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Hollywood & Politics: Right Up My AlleyViews: 1536
Mar 08, 2007 9:49 pmHollywood & Politics: Right Up My Alley#

Linda J. Alexander http://www.lindajalexander.net

Hi Folks:

Now that I've "released" this, I have to share. I'd passed it on to Marilyn when it happened & she encouraged me to follow thru. I've since done so & she was right . . . it feels so good, even if it's just the release that's right!

On February 22 I had a voicemail on my cell phone from a man who said he was Bobby Shriver. Sure, there are more than 1 but I was somehow certain it was THE Bobby Shriver.

It was a wrong number. Imagine. He was calling someone in Los Angeles, & dialed a Washington, DC area code. He left a message & though not embarrassing, it was detailed & personal. He included his number & asked for a call back.

While that's weird enough, same day I got another message on my cell. It was from the ofc of a NYC movie star agent (Katie Holmes' agent, though the call didn't mention her), callng about "the event," (same term Bobby used), & said she needed information. She left her e-mail address.

What ARE the odds?! I can't resist a chance to do research so I found that Bobby was calling about his "Project Red" effort. Seems the agent--from Creative Artists Agency--was probably calling about the same "event."

Somehow, my cell number w/a Washington area code was given to 2 different people, one in Los Angeles & 1 in NYC, for the same event.

I found this delightfully engaging. As an author who just sold a book on Robert Taylor, movie star, & his involvement in the HUAC hearings-—I couldn’t let this go. It’s intriguing enough to use as the premise for another book!

I e-mailed the agent, & called Bobby. I didn't speak w/him but chatted w/his assistant, who thought it hysterically funny. Maybe he’ll pass my message to Bobby over dinner & they’ll both get a good laugh. I told him if Bobby ever just wants to talk, he has my number!

I'm gonna store his # in my speed dial!

Blessings -- Linda

www.lindajalexander.net ** www.authorsden.com/lindajalexander
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Private Reply to Linda J. Alexander http://www.lindajalexander.net

Mar 09, 2007 2:21 amre: Hollywood & Politics: Right Up My Alley#

Marilyn Jenett

As I review this matter again, Linda - it became clear after seeing the situation written here - I realize that it's actually very easy to understand.

I share much information about the subconscious mind and my students learn that the subconscious accepts our words literally. It does not think or reason. It just accepts our words and once a thought becomes "dominant", the subconscious will create circumstances for us that correspondence to that dominant thought.

Our words drop into the subconscious most often through repetition, but even casually spoken words can easily be accepted as a suggestion.

Linda, "Hollywood & Politics" have been dominant words and a dominant thought in your life, especially during this time that has revolved around the completion and publishing of your book. Certainly the repetition factor was there. Your mind accepted your words literally and produced an equivalent in the outer world.

It comes as no surprise that a corresponding situation relating to Hollywood and politics would make its appearance. The laws of mind are exacting. When each of you really, truly understands this, you will be well on your way to creating what you want in life by choosing the words to support it.

Now will you all believe me when I teach you that the words you use have the power to attract your circumstances?

Thank you, Linda, for representing such a perfect example of this - in a situation that is well beyond the "odds" and expectation.

~ Marilyn

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