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He said, "Yes, you are worth spending 3-1/2 hours with!"Views: 476
Apr 26, 2010 7:51 am He said, "Yes, you are worth spending 3-1/2 hours with!"

Marilyn Jenett

Feel Free to Prosper Network Members,


My teleclass last Monday on Business Success went much longer than expected and I am truly honored at the number of participants who chose to stay 'til the end. 3 hours and 20 minutes! It was supposed to be two hours but I was determined to provide all of the information that I had promised in the Topics on the presentation page. A couple of students later said it seemed like the time just flew by. Other early birds who needed their beauty sleep and those who could not attend the live call received the recording the following day so that they could listen at their convenience.

I loved being in the "zone" with everyone (I never "mute" the room on my calls so I always feel connected to the participants). I also loved the way several of the students brought up questions that were directly related to the very next topic I was about to address. It really revealed how tuned in we were.

On the day following the call I began to receive requests from people who had not registered asking if they could buy the recording. And then I started receiving great feedback from the call. It was a definite omen that I was supposed to offer this teleclass as an audio program - especially since this was the only time I had ever conducted this class.

If you want to see who said those words in the subject line and read the rest of his great message to me, go to the page link below for the Audio Download version of the class and scroll down slowly to his smiling face...

And just so you know, I am offering the audio recording at the same price as the live teleclass ($47) only until April 30th. On May 1st, the price will increase significantly so here's your chance to purchase the audio at the lowest price - for just a few more days.

The student web page that you will receive not only has the mp3 audio recording, it also includes all of the affirmations and pertinent quotes I shared on the call so the participants didn't have to write them down.

This class is overflowing with teachings that will provide you with a clear understanding of the principles that will transform your consciousness and take your business to a new level. And perhaps most exciting of all -- you will come to realize that the Universe is the greatest marketing department or employment agent you could ever imagine!

Feel Free to Prosper Teleclass for Business Success - Audio Download


The Universe will find a way to bring us the rewards that we claim for ourselves. But we must claim it - boldly - and know we deserve it.

-- Marilyn


Private Reply to Marilyn Jenett (new win)

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