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Gratitude Call Wednesday - Payment OptionalViews: 591
Nov 23, 2009 10:07 am Gratitude Call Wednesday - Payment Optional

Marilyn Jenett
Newsletter - Gratitude Call
The Feel Free to Prosper Newsletter
November 23, 2009  ISSN 1939-8646  Volume 7- Issue 39
Marilyn Jenett
Thanksgiving Gratitude Call
You're Invited - Payment Optional
Wednesday, November 25th, 6pm Pacific Time

Dear Feel Free to Prosper Network Members, 
This is the newsletter issue I just sent to my subscribers...

This year I've been feeling the need to take my teachings into the community for the holidays. You and I have much to be grateful for but there are many people whose life experiences are keeping them from tapping their mental and spiritual resources
and they are stuck in survival mode. Large numbers of volunteers offer their services on Thanksgiving and Christmas at the shelters and rescue missions. Even celebrities get involved to feed the homeless. Giving our time or money to help others is noble indeed - it's an important part of our spiritual growth - and prosperity consciousness.
But I started thinking about this from another point of view. I made some calls. I spoke with a staff person at the Union Rescue Mission here in Los Angeles. As I thought, not all of the residents in the shelter are mentally challenged or have addictions. Many are just individuals and families, he said, who have "fallen on hard times" and have no resources. Or so they believe.
Ah, but the light bulb went on! These individuals and families do indeed have resources. And you know the kind I am talking about. They are just not aware of the fact that with the right bit of knowledge and inspiration, they can tap into the greatest resource of their lives - the Universal lifejacket that is capable of filling all their needs and setting them on the path to increased supply - even total prosperity. We have all seen the stories of those who have found the way to rise from abject conditions in the ghetto to find success.
Putting "success" aside - for the majority of people - just having a lifejacket to land them on firm ground may be all that is needed to bring new hope and purpose to their lives and their families.
I believe that the universal laws and prosperity teachings ARE that lifejacket. They were MY lifejacket when I was kicking and screaming at the Universe for help. Yes, I was guided to my firm foundation, but I can't seem to put aside the thought of all the others who are now in similar "boats."
I can think of no better way to help others than to offer them my knowledge of the laws.
I will continue to follow through on the calls to the local community to see if there is a place to offer some help. But I also believe that in my personal circle of influence - including my newsletter subscribers - there are many who need hope and inspiration and knowledge right now. For many people, the holidays are not the most joyous time - statistics show this - but it's especially true when there is a lack of finances and supply. 
In 2004 I conducted a Gratitude Call for the Thanksgiving holiday. It turned out to be one of my most compelling calls I ever offered to the public. There was a modest charge and I later turned it into an audio program that sells on the website. But I now feel prompted to do the live call again...
This call is a great boost for everyone's prosperity - not just for those in need - but those in need are invited to attend even if they cannot pay.
Gratitude Call Wednesday -  $20
If You Don't Have the Money, You Don't Have to Pay
I am going to conduct the Gratitude Call again on Wednesday. There will be a modest charge - $20 - but if you don't have the money, you don't have to pay. I will be happy to tithe my time and knowledge to you if you need this help. If you are able to pay, I am grateful that you value my contribution to your life.
Gratitude For What You Don't Have?
This call is about an aspect of gratitude that is not commonly known - using the powerful principle of gratitude to attract what you don't already have. Once you understand how this works, you can change your circumstances dramatically, often at an astounding speed.

This is not just about the philosophical aspect of gratitude. I'm going to address gratitude from a practical standpoint. I am going to help you understand the relationship of gratitude to "affirmative prayer," which is actually scientific prayer and I will explain why.

We all know how to feel grateful for the blessings we have in life. But I want to teach you how you can feel grateful for those things you don't have and don't see yet and as a result draw them to you. How can you acquire gratitude when there are appearances to the contrary? You'll learn how.
The following web page for the audio program will give you more detail on what this call is about. But DO NOT register or sign up on this page.  Just review the page for more information:
To Register for the Call
No fancy presentation page or shopping cart...no fanfare...we're keeping it simple for this call:
Step One: To register for the call, simply reply to this newsletter or email me directly with your name and the email address where you can receive the call information.
marilyn (at) feelfreetoprosper (dot) com
Step Two:  To pay for the call, click on the link below to send your $20 payment. You do not need to have a PayPal account to send money and you can pay with a credit card or with funds from your checking account.
If you prefer to send a check, contact me for the address.
A final note: I know this is short notice but I have learned to follow my intuitive promptings - they come in their own time :-)  I realize a lot of you will be away for the holiday or have commitments. But out of the thousands who will see this message, I just know in my heart of hearts that many of you need my message.
Please register as soon as possible so that I know how many we will have on the call and can schedule the conference line accordingly ahead of time and avoid last-minute issues.
   ~ Marilyn
  Will You Share the Inspiration and Prosperity?

Will you forward this newsletter to your friends and contacts and let them know that for a limited time, they will receive a free gift - my 41-page eBook, An Introduction to Universal Laws and Prosperity Principles - when they subscribe to the free Feel Free to Prosper Newsletter. 
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Contact Marilyn
marilyn (at) feelfreetoprosper (dot) com

You have permission to publish the included article electronically or in print as long as the following text is included and the article appears in its entirety and unchanged.
© Copyright 2009 Marilyn Jenett, Feel Free to Prosper
All rights reserved
Marilyn Jenett is a renowned prosperity mentor with an international following. An accomplished business owner in the corporate arena, she founded the Feel Free to Prosper program to mentor and teach others to become aligned with Universal laws and accept their right to prosper.For more information, visit www.FeelFreetoProsper.com
Marilyn's book, Feel Free to Prosper: Two Weeks to Unexpected Income With the Simplest Prosperity Laws Available, will be released in 2010.




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