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Feel Free to Prosper Attracts Publicist While Also Finding Lost Gem :-)Views: 596
May 15, 2009 2:29 am Feel Free to Prosper Attracts Publicist While Also Finding Lost Gem :-)

Marilyn Jenett

Breaking News!
Feel Free to Prosper Attracts Publicist
While Also Finding Lost Gem
Dear Members,

As you may know, I have been focused on editing my manuscript for the publisher,  so I haven't been doing much posting.
But I received an email from a friend today that was just too good NOT to pass on to you. We can never be too busy to share a chuckle, right? And it's a very cool story. I couldn't stop laughing.
That's below, but first a news update...

The Universe Sends Publicist to FFTP
I hired a publicist. Or shall I say the Universe hired her. I was referred to Doris in the most synchronistic way.  She's a Pulitzer Prize nominee, an award-winning veteran journlist and publicity and marketing guru. She's also so busy that she hasn't taken new clients in over a year. But she really "gets" what I'm about and loves my work. So after studying my material, she agreed to a short-term agreement to get me and Feel Free to Prosper out there into major media. I'm thrilled and know that this is the perfect step in my evolution. It's time for FFTP to expand to a wider audience and I also need to get used to the media because of my book release early next year. Thank you Universe! I love the way you are always on time.
Now for the fun stuff...

FeelFreetoProsper.com Burns Oatmeal but Finds Lost Gem!

Deanna is a friend of mine from far in the past. She had moved to another state and we drifted apart over the years, but we recently connected again.
I was happy to share with her the story of my new life as a prosperity teacher and was even happier to give her my Lesson One program as a gift.
Today, I received this email - initially complementing my work, for which I was delighted - but then I laughed out loud at her experience that followed. She has given me permission to share...

Hi Marilyn....
I looked at both of your sites yesterday and it was fun reading all of your testimonials.  Impressive, as well.
...I have read numerous metaphysical books, been to more lectures and workshops than I can count, and listened to an unending procession of tapes, CDs and DVDs.  Your information is incredibly clear and even though it is based on metaphysical principles, I do believe that because of the way you present it, it is attractive to a broad array of people.  Lesson 1 is short - therefore easy to read, succinct - a lot of information that is concise and to the point, and well written - positive, upbeat, believable and (gasp!) simple.  I think you have done a great job.  Thank you very much for sharing.  I do plan to do my homework.
Aaarrghhh!  Just smelled burning oatmeal.  For over an hour I have been boiling water to cook my oatmeal while I was reading the info on your sites and the water would boil out and I would have to start over again.  Happened three times.  I finally got to the point where there was still enough water in the pot to cook my oatmeal.  Stirred it a few times and went back to the computer.
Again, I was on feelfreetoprosper.com much too long.  I now had to throw out the oatmeal and soak the pot.  By then I was really hungry and couldn't wait to fix something to eat so I decided to have some cold cereal which I keep on hand for an instant meal.  I had about half a box left and as I opened the box, I saw a blue silk pouch inside the box.  I couldn't believe my eyes.  I was astounded.  Why on earth would a silk pouch be in my cereal box?  I opened the pouch and inside I found my silver and turquoise ring I had been looking for all last week and had finally given up on finding it!
So, Marilyn, I have 2 questions:
1. Did the Universe boil out the water in the pot three times and then burn my oatmeal beyond recognition so that I would be led to find my ring?  
2. Will the Universe replace my pot?

My Most Profound Zen Answers to Deanna:
1. Obviously
2. Just be glad you didn't swallow the ring.


Private Reply to Marilyn Jenett (new win)

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