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Feel Free to Prosper for Business: Metaphysical Marketing (Here on the Network)Views: 569
May 08, 2008 7:43 am Metaphysical Marketing: Recession or Progression?

Marilyn Jenett

Today, someone posted on another Ryze network about the topic of "recession" and she suggested...

"Today let's talk about recession proofing our businesses and build our strategies to thrive even within difficult economic times."  

Then this woman and several others who replied quoted some famous authors and gurus, as well as offering their own opinions and suggestions.

Here is my reply...

I would like to add an easy and VERY powerful solution to this subject - a very important component of my Feel Free to Prosper teachings. Since other teachers have been quoted here, I felt it was acceptable and took the liberty of quoting myself :-).

I'm not here to boast. I'm here to impact you with the truth of your being. Each of us has wisdom and knowledge to offer. You and I don't have to be famous gurus to offer valuable advice and suggestions.  We need only to have had experience and learned from that experience to offer value.                        

The first and most powerful thing you can do to become victorious during such a time is....

Eliminate the word "recession" entirely from your vocabulary!

That's right. Stop saying it. Stop writing it. Stop feeding that message to your subconscious mind (which interprets the word as an "order"). Stop mimicking mass mind thinking and media conversation.

Who is the creative authority in your life? The mass mind? The media? Or the most powerful creative force in the Universe that responds to our words, thoughts and feelings? (Choose one)

From my Feel Free to Prosper teachings:

The Single Most Immediate Thing You Can Do – Right Now – to Increase Your Business and Cash Flow.  (Hint: It Has Nothing to Do With the Outside World)

Anyone want to take a guess?

And my answer is…


Change the words that you speak to reflect those spoken by a successful person...words that represent what you want in life. Eliminate any words or phrases from your vocabulary that represent the opposite of what you want.

And if you really want to increase your cash flow quickly, then speak and think as if you already have that cash flow.  Remember, the subconscious mind only functions in the “Now” and what you think, say and feel right now, in this moment, is what you will begin to attract. Remember that the dominant thought in our subconscious is what determines our circumstances. So we must shift our consciousness to a new dominant thought. The repetition of positive words will eventually replace negative patterns in the subconscious, which block your success and limit your income and your good.

So, if you don't want it, don't say it!


By changing your words, you will be well on your way to changing undesirable thought patterns and changing your life and finances.

Every word we speak, every thought we think, and every emotion we feel is recorded in the subconscious.  Through repetition or with enough faith or emotional impact the subconscious will accept our words as a command and will create, attract and magnetize circumstances, conditions and persons to ensure the manifestation of our command.

Even words spoken casually can bypass the conscious mind and drop into the subconscious and take root. “The subconscious mind cannot take a joke.”  Seemingly harmless expressions can produce undesirable results in our lives.
Something to think about: How many times today have you said aloud or to yourself, even casually, “I can’t afford…”


Stop referring to a "recession." Period. There is no recession in your world. There is only progression in your life and in your business.

One of my favorite quotes is, "One with God is a majority." Well, you are a progressive majority of one - with the great Mind of the Universe.

Did you read in my entrepreneurial memoir about what happened to me when our country was in the "R" word in the  early 90s? While everyone in my industry was discussing how terrible business was - I stuck my nose in my prosperity lessons and without any other effort, a door opened out of the blue that brought my company $250,000!!  You can read the details here...

Scroll down to my post of November 18, 2006:

 Part XXIV: The Universe – My Marketing Department

I hope that inspires you to keep speaking about your progression!


© Copyright 2003-2008 Marilyn Jenett, Feel Free to Prosper
All rights reserved

Contact Marilyn for reprint permission


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