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Feel Free to Prosper for Business: Metaphysical Marketing (Here on the Network)Views: 500
Mar 28, 2008 11:29 am Metaphysical Marketing: Let the Other Party Name the Price

Marilyn Jenett
Metaphysical Marketing Workshop

Let the Other Party Name the Price

Inspired by Thomas Edison...

Yes, I took a cue from Thomas Edison...

First, about Edison. Then, you can decide if my idea, inspired by Edison's experience, can be applied to some facet of your business and be of benefit to you.

The following comes from a book called The 21 Laws of Influence by Helen Davis, C.L.U. It’s an illustration of what negotiating experts often advise:  "Let the OTHER party name a price first."

"Thomas Edison was approached by Western Union to buy his newly invented telegraph. Not certain of how much to charge for it, Edison asked for and received a few days to think about the purchase price. Edison discussed the offer with his wife, and although astounded by her suggestion to ask $20,000 for his invention, he agreed to do so.

Upon meeting with the Western Union representative, Edison was dumbstruck. When asked for his price he could not vocalize that he wanted $20,000 for his invention. Instead, he sat in silence. Exasperated, the Western Union official floated an offer of $100,000.

Edison took the offer."

I just love that story. :-)

Was Edison being guided by his intuition, by Universal Mind, when he couldn't speak? His conscious mind may have been astounded by the thought of $20,000 - it seemed like too much to him. But at another level of his being - $20,000 wasn't enough for the man who would change our world. Do you see what I mean about "synchronicity and guidance?" I cannot help but wonder how his wife reacted when he returned home :-)


Then one day a couple of years ago a former lesson student had contacted me and asked if I was still doing private mentoring. I told him I did on a selective basis and we spoke at length.  At the time, I was charging a certain minimum per month for private mentoring but the price never came up as we conversed. He had done quite well with my program - in fact, he revealed that he had made his first million within that previous two years. He was ready to go even further.

So near the end of our conversation, he finally asked how much he should send me per month. For some reason, without really giving it any thought, I spontaneously responded with, "Make me an offer."  He immediately floated an offer of two and a half times my usual price.

Marilyn took the offer :-)

I have used this technique ever since then for determining the price of my private mentoring. I believe that for group programs and audio products, there should be a level playing field and everyone should be charged the same. But for private one-on-one mentoring, I believe that someone starting out as an entrepreneur or growing their business should not be required to pay the same as someone who makes a six-figure income or is a millionaire. A personal mentoring relationship is just that - personal - and each student may be considered individually.  I believe that a student who gravitates to me for private mentoring is there by Universal appointment. They are meant to be my student  and they should be able to enter the situation free of financial concern or anxiety and yet my time and commitment should be honored. I have the option of negotiating if I feel the offer is too low. So I trust that we will arrive at a meeting of the minds for mutual benefit. I also take into account that the currency in some foreign countries has nowhere near the value of the US Dollar and I take the currency valuation into consideration when accepting a foreign student.

My policy of "Make me an offer" has withstood the test...

I have accepted reasonable offers for private mentoring in the area of hundreds of dollars as well as offers for thousands of dolllars.  You see, it evens out in the long run and the Universe ensures that I am adequately compensated for accommodating those who reach out to me and who are sincerely ready to grow their consciousness and their income.

If you are reading this and happen to be one of those who are ready, then I will just say..."Make me an offer."

~ Marilyn

P.S. My private mentoring includes weekly mentoring calls and additional support when needed, the Feel Free to Prosper lesson material, and the popular Feel Free to Prosper group audio programs (that are sold on the website) at no additional charge. Personal mentoring includes my prosperity teachings as well as business mentoring based on intuition and decades of experience as an accomplished business owner.

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