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Feel Free to Prosper for Business: Metaphysical Marketing (Here on the Network)Views: 582
Mar 08, 2008 5:41 pm re: Metaphysical Marketing: Working to Live or Living to Work?

Julie Bestry
I'm coming a bit late to this party, replying to Marilyn's 2/21 "Working to Live or Living to Work?" post, but realize my response is just as apt (if not more so) here than where I originally replied.

I don't have much except an "Amen" to add to this issue, because even though I spent years preparing to work in television and thought I'd love my career, 12 years in television programming brought me lots of cute hats and t-shirts, but not much satisfaction. The last 6 years owning my own business as a professional organizer have been a dream...I love never having to make excuses for someone else's bad policies, and I love never having the "cringe factor". The other day, while working with my favorite client, it occurred to me that if I won the lottery and never had to work again, I'd still work with him and many of my others, just because it's so fulfilling.

And may I say you have excellent taste in movies, Marilyn? I almost never feel that remakes live up to originals, but Richard Dreyfuss, Holly Hunter, and John Goodman are stellar in Always and they didn't throw cold water (no serious pun intended) on the work of A Guy Named Joe's Spencer Tracy and Irene Dunne (though I must say, Van Johnson was much better than Brad Johnson in the sweet galumphy role).

Julie Bestry, Certified Professional Organizer®
Best Results Organizing
"Don't apologize. Organize!"
Visit http://www.juliebestry.com to save time and money, reduce stress and increase your productivity


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