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Feel Free to Prosper for Business: Metaphysical Marketing (Here on the Network)Views: 673
Mar 08, 2008 7:46 am Metaphysical Marketing: Giving Free Services and Prosperity Consciousness

Marilyn Jenett
Metaphysical Marketing Workshop

Giving "Free" Services and Prosperity Consciousness

The subject of “free” services has come up at various times on the forums, and as a teacher of prosperity principles, I find it of particular interest as it relates to our consciousness - our own as well as that of the recipients involved.

Now I am not suggesting that my views below will apply to everyone, but I do have some definite ideas about this idea of "free services" that I hope will add some value.

Helping people with products and services and receiving value for it is paramount and I support ideas completely about an appropriate exchange of value - personally and in my teachings. But I have also found in my position and experience as a mentor that there are options that allow you to "give" without "giving your value away" and still command respect while nurturing new business and creating financial returns.

With my own programs, I have several arrangements:

1. First, there are those who easily pay full price up front for our products or services - we might call them our  "ideal customers." 

2. Second, there are free incentives and bonuses that we offer for promotional purposes - this is a common aspect of today's marketing climate. It may be a free report, mini-course or eBook to encourage newsletter subscriptions, perhaps a bonus gift with a purchase, or a free teleclass designed to attract paying customers. I won't elaborate on this kind of promotional marketing in this segment.

3. Next, there are barter situations that work out beautifully. We can and should develop discernment about with whom we barter, of course. One of my requirements for barter is that the other person believes that they are receiving, and that they do receive, MORE in value than they are providing me. But barter is another topic entirely.

4. And finally - the aspect of "free" that I would like to focus on here related to our theme of metaphysical marketing - there are some whom I believe are sincere and will benefit from my program but don't have the ability to pay. Again, we must use our intuition to recognize those situations that will be of mutual benefit. In special situations like this, I allow the person to make payments that are comfortable or they must commit to pay as soon as they get results and attract income. Here's why...

It is important that they commit to pay. Their commitment fulfills the Universal law of circulation, the law of compensation, and the law of giving and receiving and helps us to personally maintain a sense of worth and know our value. And there is another important reason which I will explain fully below. But it also allows us to help some who may not appear to be a "perfect customer" at that time and who are not in a position to pay for our services at that moment. It can open the door to many referrals. And of course there is the gratification from helping someone out. But again, a commitment of exchange in value is very important.

Early in my experience as a mentor who charges for programs and services, I found that people who received my mentoring at no charge did not get the results or succeed like the ones who paid. This seemed to be consistent. At first thought, it appears that there is a certain commitment level required on the part of the receiver as well as a level of respect, either for the mentor's time or for the program and information itself. It is unfortunate that people just do not hold the same respect for help that is free, as there is no investment on their part and thus less motivation to apply the advice or teachings (although this may be on a subliminal level).

Then I realized something. As a teacher of prosperity principles, the purpose of my mentoring is to take my students from a lack consciousness to a prosperity consciousness that allows them to naturally receive money and success. So I made a decision and it has worked beautifully. If someone comes to me and sincerely wants my help but does not have the money to pay, I say to them: "If I give you my program or services for free, then I am nurturing your poverty consciousness, telling your subconscious that you don't have money. So I will not give you my help for free. What I will do is allow you to participate in my program at no initial (up front) charge, but when you get your results, you will pay me."

What I have just done is tell that person's subconscious mind that this program will work and that they will have the money to pay. I have just helped them take that first step on their path to a prosperity consciousness - faith and expectation. In essence, we are both "stepping out in faith." They feel that if I am willing to trust them for payment, then the program must really work. But they are also making a commitment and that is important. They are investing in themselves. These students always pay when they get results and some have even offered monetary gifts beyond that. Some of them have become great manifesters.

Now I want to qualify this and say that I will offer this option with teleclass and audio programs only, where my personal time is not involved. I would not do this for private mentoring.

I'd like to share a couple of examples with regard to the above:

One woman contacted me on Ryze who was in a dire situation and asked if she could make payments for my audio program (the only audio program I offered at that time was $250). She has four children, was in an abusive marriage for 12 years, and desperately wanted to find her way out and to prosper. I agreed that she could pay as she could. I "felt" her sincerity and need.

I say "was in an abusive relationship" because shortly after beginning my program, she sent me many messages asking me to post her results anonymously on my network, because she felt that her results could help others. She was freed and her prosperity opened up for her. The husband was gone via court order; she received a gift of an older model luxury car with very low mileage – someone who died in her city had requested the car be given to a family in need; her own coaching practice began to thrive. She made payments to me as she went along and honored her commitment until paid in full.

This woman's situation added great meaning to my work and I am so glad that I have adopted this policy for certain situations. About six months later, she herself posted on the network that someone she had only met once and who never met her children, left in their will, $200,000 for the children’s education - $50,000 each. And at her one-year "anniversary" since starting my program, this woman again posted on the network and sent me a beautiful private letter. She had a new home and she and her children were fulfilled in every possible way. Her business had taken off and she was about to make a cross country trip for business. She recapped the year and mentioned how she had reached out to me with $5 in her PayPal account one year before. Had I turned this woman away because she couldn't pay, I would have missed one of the most gratifying situations of my life.

This was another interesting situation:

A few years ago, I allowed a man to attend my group teleclass program who was having a difficult time financially. He had committed to pay, but a real estate deal he had been working on for almost three months fell through. When the group decided to continue for the second month, he still couldn't pay for either month, but my intuition told me to keep him in the group. I have learned to listen to those promptings and not rationalize them.

Then he asked if I would consider spending time helping him personally.. Again, he could not pay but he offered  a “tithing" relationship, in which I would personally mentor him and he would compensate me with 10% of his income. I won't discuss tithing in detail here but for the moment, just think of it as a consultation fee based upon results. I knew he was sincere. As it turned out, I only spent a few hours mentoring him on the telephone and he was still in our group teleclass program, but in less than two weeks, the real estate deal came alive again (with the same parties!) and he received many thousands of dollars, for which my 10% portion was much greater than the $500 I would have received if he had paid me for the two group programs.

I had followed my gut feeling and helped him at a crucial time. He continued to send tithes at various intervals and has been a devoted supporter of Feel Free to Prosper. I have received many referrals to my network and program because of him and have profited financially from them - all because I was initially willing to let him "run a tab" for two months.

In summary, I believe we can develop our intuition and foresight to recognize those situations where we might give without receiving upfront payment. This is not what I consider “free." We can call it “deferred” payment if you like.

As stated, there is a Law of Compensation in the Universe, the Law of Giving and Receiving. A balance is necessary for an orderly universe. It is all part of the whole.

I am not suggesting that anyone else adopt this policy. That is your own personal decision. I just wanted to give you some food for thought relating to this idea of “free” and offer a possible compromise that could result in win-win. Perhaps it will help you re-consider and sort out the people who are worth a helping hand. It can be very gratifying.

This doesn’t mean that there are not times when we can or should give to our fellow humans without compensation. There are, but that is another issue - a philanthropic one - which is not related to this topic, which is the operation and marketing of our business.

Now it just so "happens" that as I write this segment relating to "free" services, there is a wonderful promotion going on at Feel Free to Prosper.  I am offering my new eBook, An Introduction to Universal Laws and Prosperity Principles, free to new newsletter subscribers. Click here for details: http://www.feelfreetoprosper.com/universal-laws-ebook.html

~ Marilyn

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