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Feel Free to Prosper for Business: Metaphysical Marketing (Here on the Network)Views: 578
Mar 04, 2008 4:14 am Metaphysical Marketing: Working Hard? Marilyn's Ol' Book-a-Castle Trick

Marilyn Jenett
Metaphysical Marketing Workshop

Working Hard?

Marilyn's Ol' Book-a-Castle Trick

In a past discussion on another network, someone asked: If our thoughts had that much power, then why would we need to work at our business so hard? We could just create a mind thought to make people buy from us.

And here was my response...

But you see, that is exactly the point! And that is exactly what I do and what I teach others to do. You would probably agree that 99% of the population is working "hard" and not succeeding. There is an easier way...the real path to success.

You can use the power of your mind (which connects you to the creative forces of the Universe) and people will "buy from you," so to speak.

I would like to share a personal example of this from my  corporate business a few of years ago...

One of the bookings for my corporate client, Campbell (Soup), was not going to happen, as of that date.
Campbell had come to me effortlessly (truly out of the blue) a couple of years before and I had booked every promotion up to that time...this was #6 and we were at an impasse. It had to do with the timing of the promotion - the date could not be moved up to accommodate the only week that the castle in England was available for us to book for the fulfillment date of the promotion. And I knew that this castle was the only one that was so perfect for this promotion.

After a couple of weeks in which the client attempted to change the promotion date - pow wows with their marketing department, ad agency, etc. - they told me it was determined that it could not be changed. End of discussion. These were multi-million dollar promotions and planning could not be changed at the drop of a hat. I had negotiated the price for the castle to perfectly accommodate them, but the available rental date just wouldn't work with their schedule. They said I would have to find another location.

Okay...back to those creative forces. The quantum field. The Universe. The field of all possibilities. I don't care what you call it. I just know I can depend on it to come through. End of discussion. :-) Hey, I've been practicing for decades and after having it work over and over again, you just finally "get it". A request like this is elementary for the Universe.

So, I had a chat with the Universe. And the Universe told me to do exactly what I would teach my students to do. Of course. I should have thought of that :-)

What technique might I teach a student to do in this situation? Got it!

I got on the computer and prepared the contracts (for Cambell, there were three contracts for each booking - two of them had to be done at the beginning along with the invoice for the deposit). Well, I completed the contracts and prepared them for signature by me, Eastnor Castle in England and my client, Campbell. I went to sleep. My job was done. It was time for the Universe to take over.

The next morning (my client was three hours ahead of my time zone) I received a phone message and also found an email from my contact at the client's marketing company. He said that the client that morning suddenly and inexplicably decided to go with the English castle after all and was changing the promotion date to start in February instead of May! The "impossible" happened. My trust in the power of the Universe was greater than the power of a billion dollar corporation!

So please don't tell me about how hard we have to work. When I stopped working hard at my business, THAT's when it all starting flowing to me easily. The "hardest" thing is to release the belief that you have to work so hard, which is the very thing that keeps you from your success. I explain the reasons for this in my teachings. There is a little-known law called The Law of Reversed Effort, which explains that the harder you try to do something, the less chance you have of achieving it.

Now of course I am not suggesting that we take no action. What I AM suggesting is that we take "inspired" action based on our intuitive guidance from the Universe instead of working hard.

And by the way, I ask students in my program to think about their core belief about money and prosperity - so I can then have them recognize it for the lie that it is. Do you know what one of the most common responses is? It's that they have to work "hard" and "struggle" to make money.

Recognize that for the lie that it is. Nurture your connection to your higher wisdom, your trust in universal guidance.

You wouldn't believe what else I have in my complete bag of tricks. :-)

You can read more about my entrepreneurial adventures (and metaphysical tools and tricks) in  my memoir, Feel Free to Prosper: an Entrepreneurial Memoir of Synchronicity and Guidance, here on the Feel Free to Prosper Network, http://www.ryze.com/posttopic.php?topicid=743240&confid=481.

Or you can learn all of my tools and tricks in a Feel Free to Prosper program, http://feelfreetoprosper.com/products.html

Or you can choose to work hard.

~ Marilyn


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