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Feel Free to Prosper for Business: Metaphysical Marketing (Here on the Network)Views: 588
Feb 23, 2008 4:41 am Metaphysical Marketing: Attracting Ideal Clients

Marilyn Jenett
Metaphysical Marketing Workshop

Attracting Ideal Clients

Attracting the Right Clients, Giving up the Wrong Ones

I have found through years of experience, that when we are not afraid of giving up the "lesser," the "greater" is right around the corner waiting to arrive.

It's when we lose that fear, that neediness...that the right clients will gravitate to us.

We can also establish in our subconscious mind - through affirmations and other prosperity principles - that we only attract those clients who are in harmony with us.

You see, a major component of my teachings is that our clients are NOT our source of income. There is only one Source of our supply - in any form.  Clients are just a channel, they are not the source. So when we put our reliance on our Source (the Universe, God, Spirit, Infinite Intelligence, etc), then we become open to all the channels that are right for us.   

I often affirm and feel that the students/clients who are drawn to me come via divine appointment - they are meant to be my students and clients. We are drawn together for mutual benefit.

And it really does turn out that way. Remember that what we focus on we create and that includes our ideal clients.

The Dartboard Method for Attracting Clients

Here are two of the best tips I can offer to attract business...aligned with applying Feel Free to Prosper lessons, of course…

Tip One…

It doesn't work for me when my mind is focused on "selling" or "getting" business. It goes back to my teachings and alignment with the mental laws (noted below).

When my focus is instead on "having" the business and the income, that's when it shakes up the Universe on my behalf. I have shared this excerpt from my lessons so many times before. ..

"This is the reality: As long as you continue to believe the same fact in the PRESENT MOMENT, conditions will remain exactly the same and you will continue to have the same experiences.

The subconscious mind will create for us and attract to us those circumstances that it accepts to be true in the present moment. That is its nature. It’s compulsive. Our job is to condition our subconscious mind to accept what we want as if it’s an EXISTING reality. Tomorrow never comes. It is always the present moment or NOW in consciousness. When what we call later or tomorrow arrives, it will actually still be the present moment. It is always NOW. And what we are thinking and feeling NOW is what determines our future, its outcomes and experiences. We create that future right this moment."

Lesson Three, Accept It Now
Copyright 2003-2008 Marilyn Jenett, Feel Free to Prosper

If you will grasp this, your circumstances will change quickly.

As long as you think and feel that you have to "get" sales and business, you are actually giving your subconscious the message that you don't have them now. And what your subconscious accepts...is what you get.

Tip Two…

I never think in terms of sales. When I do, I pull myself back out of it. I think instead: Who can I help today? Who needs what I have to offer? And I ask the Universe to send them my way.

This transforms my consciousness of "having to get" -  into a consciousness of "what can I give?” This can transform your business.

With this attitude of already having the students/clients, why would I "want" something I already have? So I stay in "having" mode as much as I can. That state of mind and feeling magnetizes those people to me who resonate to my offerings. And I don't have to be concerned about whether they will buy or not - I just assume they are here by divine appointment :-)

I did this very thing in my corporate business of two decades. When a client called, I assumed they were mine and I always booked them.

One Ryzer used to express it as the "dart" and "dartboard" methods of marketing and selling. He only believed in the dart method. I think both have validity in business, but I have had my greatest successes as a dartboard :-)

Can you imagine having clients irresistibly attracted to you?

Feel Free to Prosper students actually have that experience. You have the innate ability to become a magnet to your good. The Feel Free to Prosper lesson and mentoring program will reveal that ability. http://www.feelfreetoprosper.com/products.html

~ Marilyn


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