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Feel Free to Prosper Valentine Workshop: All You Need Is LoveViews: 589
Feb 16, 2008 2:51 pm : Feel Free to Prosper Valentine Workshop: Self Love

Shondra~ Rose of Light~



Hello Marilyn and FFTP Family,

It has been a while since I have been here, and Marilyn, I so appreciate your call last night.  This Workshop is a wonderful reminder of so much we already know and can apply more completely.

  The truth is, THERE IS SO MUCH LOVE!  I remember when I first began to work with your Lesson One, the first thing that poured in from my abundant universe was Love!  The desert I had been living in was suddenly flooded with what I craved most to nourish my soul, and the money followed soon after.  And the lesson for me has always been to fill my heart with love and everything else will just be taken care of (sounds like "seek ye first the Kingdom.... "  doesn't it? ) Well, we live in the Kingdom of Love.

This was my 3rd Valentines Day since I met you here at Ryze, and it was the best ever.  The whole day was filled with Self Love, which I lavished upon myself.  I was in the midst of a week long process with myself, so I just focused on loving myself, and I even wrote a Valentine letter to myself, to bring that love to an even higher level of completeness. Part of the purpose of the exercise was yet another deeper level of self-forgiveness of anything that might still be interfering with the most full expression of my life-work on this beautiful planet.  Here is an abridged version, but you get the idea:


A Valentine to MySelf ~ 2008

 "Dear Precious One, My self/Self,

 Today is the day of Love, and how perfect that I should address you today... today above all other days and you above all other BEings.

 I love you and I forgive you. I forgive you and I love you.

I want to tell you that I appreciate everything you have done and value every experience you ever had. I acknowledge every choice you ever made. I know many of those choices were not easy. They were hard and painful. And I see how far you have come and I acknowledge you for every step you have taken on your path. No step was wasted. No tear was wasted.

I know I have judged you very harshly for what I thought was wrong, and were mistakes you could not help making, or worse, that you could have helped and done better, if only this or that were true.. I withdraw all that judgement about everything. I set you free from all the judgement I ever leveled at you, and I set all the others free from the judgement I condemned them to. And I just love you . I forgive you for all the pain and suffering, the years spent in the darkness of "less-than" and "not enoughness". I forgive myself for all the years and lifetimes of supposed failure while I could could not wake up out of the nightmare.

I let it all go now, and just let in the Flood of Love that I now have for me, and that I now allow God to lavish upon me, that God/Goddess always had for me but I would not let it in, blocked it with my self-condemnation and judgement. I am letting all that go now, so I can let the LOVE in, receive it completely and deeply in every part of my BEing, on every level of my BEing, in every cell of my body and atomic particle and sub atomic particle of my BEing. And I ask that every part of my BEing that would not receive the Love before would now be completely healed to be able to receive it completely now. And if any part of my being cannot be healed to receive that Love, I ask that it now be compassionately released back to Source, disolved and its particles recycled to a higher purpose that CAN receive Love from Source.

I AM the One I have been waiting for, and I AM here now. I AM here to LOVE and to BE LOVE.

I now give myself the freedom to pursue my Dharmaleela (life-work/play) wholeheartedly, free of distraction and energy drains.

I give myself permission to FULLY EXPRESS who I AM, here, now, on this planet (and beyond). 

I give myself permission to FULLY EXPRESS who I AM, here, now, on this planet (and beyond).

I give myself permission to FULLY EXPRESS who I AM, here, now, on this planet (and beyond).



Thank you again, Marilyn, for doing your "Dharmaleela" and sharing it so freely with all of us.  May your Self Love be deep, flowing and complete, as God in You LOVES God in You!

Deep Self~Love Blessings,

Shondra ~ Rose of Light


Facilitator for Advanced Chakra Work
Moderator- Sacred Chakra Work Network
and Divine Feminine Rising Network


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