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Atone: "At One" to ProsperViews: 1570
Oct 07, 2008 7:32 amAtone: "At One" to Prosper#

Marilyn Jenett
Feel Free to Prosper Introduction - Marilyn Jenett, world renowned prosperity teacher

The Feel Free to Prosper Program


Marilyn Jenett
Atone: "At One" to Prosper
Dear FFTP Network Members,

A holiday offering from my archives that I feel is worth repeating as a reminder each year...

We are in the midst of the Jewish High Holidays and this Wednesday at sundown begins the most important holiday in the Jewish calendar.
In reflecting on the meaning of this holiest of days in Judaism, I ask myself, do we have to be Jewish to benefit from the meaning and the message it provides? The meaning is a universal one, a human one, not just a Jewish one. More specifically, it's a spiritual one - very much aligned with our prosperity work in the areas of forgiveness and release and our oneness in Spirit.
I have written at Christmas about the birth of a new "anointed" consciousness and the importance of being a good receiver as well as giver; at Easter as a time to resurrect our dreams and desires and nurture them with prosperous and life-enhancing thoughts; at Independence Day about our personal freedom from the tyranny of negative thinking and past conditioning.
Born a Jew, I removed myself from the practice, culture and tradition early in life in order to follow my chosen spiritual path instead of a religious one. I have no affiliation to religion, but have always believed that the common denominator in all religions should be the love for the Creator and love for all mankind (and that includes ourselves), and religion should serve as a path to a personal connection to the Source.
I feel drawn to reflect on the powerful wisdom that this Jewish holiday provides and ask you to reflect on its meaning for your own spiritual growth and prosperity consciousness.

Honest self-examination, communication with one's Maker, commitment to become a better person -- all these are encouraged throughout the year in various religious systems, but there is one day on the Jewish calendar that is tailor-made for such activities: Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement.
Yom Kippur is celebrated on the tenth day of Tishri, i.e., ten days after Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year. It is the culmination of ten days marked by increased levels of prayer, charity and other good deeds, and the seeking of forgiveness from anyone one has harmed, purposely or inadvertently, during the previous year.
This day, the holiest and most solemn in Judaism, is also among the most joyous, as it affords one the opportunity to rectify past wrongs and face the future with a slate wiped clean.
Formerly on everythingjewish.com:

...Everyone's reason is different, but what doesn't change, is the acknowledgment of the power and awesome consequences of Yom Kippur. Yom Kippur makes you stop and consider your behavior toward man and G-d. Too often, our lives, our families and our businesses get in the way the rest of the year. Immersing oneself in the day's prayers and confessions helps to level the playing field.
In the synagogue, you can sit next to the head of a giant corporation or you can sit next to a clerk in a store or an office. It doesn't matter to G-d, and that is something too often forgotten in the hectic pace of life.
On Yom Kippur, we are reminded that what we do for a living has no correlation to our worthiness before G-d. Everyone is equal. The only thing that matters is our behavior to our friends, our spouses, our parents, our children, and our community. Succeed in these areas, and the reward in the world to come and in your lifetime, will outweigh even the richest and most famous.
Maybe that is why Jews all over the world dedicate Yom Kippur to their spiritual well being more than any other holiday in the Jewish calendar.

[End of excerpts]
Atonement: Amends or reparation made for an injury or wrong
Atone: To make amends or reparation
Atone: To bring into unity, harmony, concord, etc. (obsolete)
I like the obsolete definition of atone. And my definition: Atone = At One

Here is something that I would like you to contemplate...
In our prosperity work, it is often easy for us to recognize those hurts and resentments that we harbor or have buried as a result of the wrongs - perceived or real - that others have done to us. Lesson Four of the Feel Free to Prosper program deals with the release and forgiveness of the thoughts and emotions that prevent us from becoming open channels to the prosperity that we want in our lives and that interfere with our mental and physical health.
Do we give as much thought to whom WE may have hurt in the past and the effect it may have had on their own consciousness as well as ours? The fact that we all have situations to atone for - and these may be minor infractions or they may be of major consequence - means that buried in our own consciousness are the remnants of those deeds and the negative emotions (guilt, sorrow, unexpressed remorse, etc.) that also serve to interfere with our ability to grow and prosper.
Do we give thought to how we have hurt ourselves in the past and how the lack of self forgiveness also interferes with our growth?
Isn't this holiday a good reminder for all of us - Jewish or not - to "face the future with a slate wiped clean?"
Sometimes we can make physical amends and connect with those we have wronged in the past. I have a good friend who told me last year about a situation in high school when he had treated a female friend badly while they were out socializing and it ended the friendship. Now in his 30s, he couldn't stop thinking about what he had done, which was not in line with his character, and he went on a search last year to find her to apologize. I have great respect for him for doing that. His soul needed to be free of the buried emotions connected with the event but he was truly sorry for the pain he may have caused her. I recall the movie Flatliners some years back that dealt with this very theme.
It is not always possible to make physical amends to others if they are no longer in our lives or have died, but we can atone in Spirit, ask their forgiveness through Spirit, and release in our consciousness the burdens that are holding us back. We are all connected in Spirit and they will hear us in Spirit. And Spirit will smile on us. We will be At One.

~ Marilyn
Many situations in life can be resolved and healed, and peace and harmony expressed, by a special spiritual practice known as "release." It is the fastest, surest way to turn situations around in human relationships - at home or in business - and also to "let go" to allow the Universe to manifest our desires in all areas of life. Read about the Release is Magnetic Audio Program at www.feelfreetoprosper.com/Release-Is-Magnetic.html.
Will you forward this newsletter to your friends and let them know that they will receive the recording of my compelling interview,  Feel Free to Prosper: Secrets of Success in Life and Business, when they subscribe to the free Feel Free to Prosper Newsletter.

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marilyn (at) feelfreetoprosper (dot) com


You have permission to publish the included article electronically or in print as long as thefollowing text is included and the article appears in its entirety and unchanged.

© Copyright 2008 Marilyn Jenett, Feel Free to Prosper
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Marilyn Jenett, an accomplished business owner in the corporate arena, founded the Feel Free to Prosper program to mentor and teach others to become aligned with Universal laws and accept their right to prosper. For more information, visit


Private Reply to Marilyn Jenett

Oct 12, 2008 12:40 am Atone: "At One" to Prosper#

Kathleen Jaap, CPA, MA
Everything in Divine Order!

I also prefer the obsolete definition for AtOne.

Last night I had a wonderful dream. I found a very special item I had lost a few years ago. It was a beautiful diamond ring given to me by my husband when we married. While I truly cherished the ring, I had a story of fear around it at times....so eventually the universe took care of it and I "accidentally" threw it out of the car while I was driving on the freeway.....fast foward....about a year ago, I decided to put some healing space into my relationship with my oldest daughter....it has been more like distance, with no communication. Recently, I reached a space of forgiveness.

When I thought about my dream today, I knew something special was going to happen....I felt excited to be open to the possibilities. We have been in gratitude that our needs are met and that we are recovering wonderfully from the hurricane. Marilyn created a fantastic affirmation for us and our home here on the bay....Harmony, Wholeness and Perfect Restoration!

Today I received a postcard with a picture of a pregnant woman on the front. It was from my oldest daughter! (we have not spoken in about a year) She is pregnant! What a blessing for our family. My best friend was with me when I read the card and it was a joy to share the excitement right away.

ok, by now you must be ready for the insight to the manifestation. The ring had 3 diamonds...for me these represent my daughter, her partner and their new child. The circle of the ring is the unconditional love of my Creator that supports all of us.

Yes, the ring was lost and precious to me.... and yes our relationship seemed lost at times, yet I always hold her tenderly in my heart. The affirmation that Marilyn gave me called on Spirit to work not only on the outer circumstances of the hurricane but also from deep within my subconscious mind...on a higher level.

Thank you so much Marilyn for opening this space for the sharing of healing, forgiveness and Divine Order.



Kathleen Jaap
Business and Personal Prosperity Coaching and Consulting

Private Reply to Kathleen Jaap, CPA, MA

Oct 12, 2008 10:16 pmre: Atone: "At One" to Prosper#

Marilyn Jenett

This is amazing, Kat...and your insights are equally amazing.

If everyone knew you as I do, they would know that is not unusual for you :-)

I couldn't imagine a more perfect story to represent the message I wanted to share in my post about "at-one-ment."
Thank you so much for sharing it on the network.


P.S. Did you enter the Lifetime Movie Network Sweepstakes I forwarded to you for the new kitchen? :-)

Private Reply to Marilyn Jenett

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