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Feel Free to Prosper for Business: Metaphysical Marketing (Here on the Network)Views: 9222
Feb 13, 2008 11:39 amFeel Free to Prosper for Business: Metaphysical Marketing (Here on the Network)#

Marilyn Jenett

FFTP Members,

This is an introduction to another "mini-workshop" here on the Feel Free to Prosper Network - this will be a series of posts relating specifically to your business and we'll call it "Metaphysical Marketing."

As many of you may know, I share a different perspective with regard to marketing your business and I present wisdom gleaned from my own experience with what I believe truly to be the most important aspect of marketing.

This question came up recently on another forum:

"What advertising/marketing worked best for your business start-up?"

My answer:

I love the opportunities to share what I believe to be THE most important and effective way to market a new business. I speak from my personal experience. In a nutshell, here is an except from my bio from the Women's Media Summit this past year, for which I was a guest speaker.* I was the only "non expert" to speak at the Summit - I have no experience in PR, marketing, publicity or advertising...

Excerpt from the bio...

"With no publicist, PR or marketing resources, and using only her prosperity principles and the “Universe as her publicist,” Marilyn manifested a cover feature story in the Los Angeles Times that attracted thousands of telephone calls for years and syndication around the world via Associated Press. This was followed by local and national prime time television segments and continuing media exposure, including the first article she ever wrote that grossed $250,000 for her business!"

I like to say that my "15 minutes of fame" turned into a career of two decades serving the world's largest corporations.

This may seem "big" to you or out of reach, but the truth is that I was just an average young woman - struggling to make something of myself, just getting by and desperately wanting to overcome a lack consciousness that held me back my whole life. I was able to do this by studying and applying Universal laws and prosperity principles.

What this means is that I became aware of the importance of learning the laws of mind in order to create the mindset to attract success and market in business. There is no question in my mind that the use of prosperity principles - based on mental and spiritual laws - is by far the most valuable way to market your new business and to achieve ongoing success.

I state in my presentation material that just as a house cannot stand without a proper foundation, all of the marketing, sales and business know-how in the world will not result in success unless you first have the internal foundation - the mindset - to succeed. Once you create that foundation, you will automatically be guided to all the appropriate elements that will result in your success. You will be guided to do exactly what needs to be done to get your results. You'll find that Universal Mind is truly the greatest marketing department you could ever hope for, and the possibilities are unlimited.

You may enjoy reading my entrepreneurial memoir** here on the network which reveals how I used these laws in business over the past 20 years and how I have now created an entirely new career - Feel Free to Prosper - in the same way.

As you can tell, sharing the importance of these principles is my passion.

So...stay tuned to this cyber station for more specifics about "Metaphysical Marketing..."

And of course, comments and your posts are welcome.

~ Marilyn

* See the session description and listen free to the audio of my interview for the Women's Media Summit by scrolling down to the end of my memoir or click on this direct link:

** Feel Free to Prosper: an Entrepreneurial Memoir of Synchronicity and Guidance

Private Reply to Marilyn Jenett

Feb 13, 2008 4:22 pmre: Feel Free to Prosper for Business: Metaphysical Marketing (Here on the Network)#

Kathleen Jaap, CPA, MA
Hi Mariyn,

Thank you for opening such a timely topic!

When I first started my CPA practice I had 1 client, maybe 2. I was determined to open my own pratice and not be doing work for other CPA's. I always remembered what a colleague CPA had once told me, he said..."starting his own practice was frighteningly easy!" He said this 7 years before I set out on my quest. I had set MY mind to how it should be done to get started. I followed every avenue that I thought was best. I made sure I was associating with the "right" people. I thought I had to have the "perfect office space" in Houston, blah, blah, blah. It was not working.

In the meantime, I was part of an effort to build a new women's shelter in our local area. We were ready to begin groundbreaking and applied for permits with the city to begin construction. This created a huge disruption in the community because the people were afraid of having upset husbands show up and cause problems near the elementary school. Experience and statistics proved otherwise all over the United States. A town meeting was called. Hundreds of people turned out. I was there and I signed a sheet of paper as I walked in the door. I was thinking about being there to support the shelter, so I assumed that's what I was signing. I went about my business and sat down and began listening to all the citizens and volunteers and professionals get up before the group and present their side of the issue. Suddenly, I hear my name called over the audio system! "What?" I thought, my mind raced so fast and realized that what I had signed coming in the door was a roster of people who wanted to speak at the town hall meeting! I was not even dressed to speak in front of anyone. Spirit moved me from my seat and up to the podium. In my mind it would be worse to sit there than to get up...now while that is true for me, that seems directly opposite of what most people would think and feel in that surprise moment.

So, I walked up to the microphone and began talking...to this day I have really no idea what I said. It was like I was in a "zone" of some sort. I only recall stating something about statistical analysis and how results are reported and often misleading....

After I spoke for 5-10 minutes, I walked back over to the sign in sheet...sure enough, I had signed up to speak. There was a gentleman standing there and we began talking. He was a CPA. His name was Paul. I told him my goals and he invited me to his office. So I went, we talked, he invited me to join his practice and I walked away thinking, no, this is not for me.

So I continued MY EFFORTS on MY OWN..... and still nothing was working out. Every door closed. I was sitting in my living room one morning and finally turned to God. I said, "What do you want me to do?" The response was so simple: "A red carpet has been laid before you, yet you refuse to take the next step, because you have to do it YOUR WAY". Suddenly like a flash of light it was so clear...the CPA I had met was laying out a read carpet for me to come in with no money and take over his CPA practice! He had gone back to school to become a lawyer and wanted the "right" person to come in for the transition! I had been resisting for weeks! I thought that if I did did not create my own practice from scratch, then it would have no merit.

At the time,I had just recently been introduced to the mental and spiritual laws of prosperity.....I was really a beginner! But I opened myself up to DIVINE MIND in that moment, it all fell right into place...and it was frighteningly easy! This was my FIRST experience with being open to the Universe! Instant results once I opened my mind to receive what was already there!

The association between us goes on until this day. We have been friends and colleagues for over 15 years now. Recently, Paul and his family have moved to Washington state. I went on the build up his small practice and eventually sold it. Then later I created another pratice and sold it too. All business came by referral and always in Divine timing. I only placed one ad in the yellow pages each year. I would get one client each year from that ad, so it paid for itself. The Universe brought referrals to me through everyone of those clients that came from the simple ad. Eventually, I dropped to ad, I had plenty of clients. New clients just always showed up at the right time. Marilyn teached us the truth that Release is Magnetic.... it is so true..once I let go of MY limited vision, it all opened up. AS I outgrew certain clients and let them go, better and more challenging and more propserous clients appeared.

So what is my point here? Traditional wisdom may say many things to me...that does not mean it is right for me. Since that day, I have kept Divine Mind and Inspiration in my professional career as the FOUNDATION for success.

Now, as I have transitioned to my own coaching and mentoring practice and launched Claim Your Freedom Seminars, I am experiencing the same results when I release the outcome to the Universe and invite Divine Mind to enlighten me to right people, places and action!

Ok, time to go to Toastmasters, to continue building my speaking and presentation skills! see ya later...

Blessings to all, Kathleen

Kathleen Jaap
Business and Personal Prosperity Coaching and Consulting

Private Reply to Kathleen Jaap, CPA, MA

Feb 13, 2008 6:54 pmre: re: Feel Free to Prosper for Business: Metaphysical Marketing (Here on the Network)#

Marilyn Jenett

Can you imagine? With that kind of background and experience, this woman then becomes a private Feel Free to Prosper student for the past year and a half.

Do you think her feet ever touch the ground now?


Private Reply to Marilyn Jenett

Feb 13, 2008 11:03 pmMetaphysical Marketing: Feel Free to Prosper for Your Business (Wednesday)#

Marilyn Jenett

Metaphysical Marketing

Feel Free to Prosper for Your Business

Action? Or Magic?

Felicia Slattery, a Feel Free to Prosper student and communication consultant, had replied to my post above as follows (she gave me permission to copy it here)...

Hi Marilyn!

I LOVE this post. Why? Because you add the part that I see so many prosperity teachers leave out: the action built upon the foundation of a prosperity consciousness.

You said:

"Once you create that foundation you will automatically be guided to all the appropriate elements that will result in your success. You will be guided to do exactly what needs to be done to get your results."

I SO agree! Sometimes people mistakenly believe that if they get right with their mind and consciousness they don't have to do anything, can sit back and while they wait what they want will "magically" appear. It's important to remember to build the foundation and then get into action with what your intuition guides you to do.

Isn't that what you're saying?


Felicia J. Slattery, M.A., M.Ad.Ed.
Communication Consultant, Speaker & Coach
Cash In On Speaking the e-book is here!

Private Reply to Marilyn Jenett

Feb 13, 2008 11:16 pmMetaphysical Marketing: Feel Free to Prosper for Your Business (Wednesday, Part 2)#

Marilyn Jenett

Action? Or Magic?

Thank you, Felicia,

Yes, that's what I'm saying...except for this point...

It ALSO includes sitting back and waiting for what you want to magically appear. And that's when it really gets to be fun!

I can honestly say that my greatest successes occurred when I sat back and took no action - physical action, that is. If you read my entrepreneurial memoir, you will find many examples. Campbell Soup, my last client of the past few years and one of the largest of my entire career, arrived when I did absolutely nothing. I thought I had phased out of that business entirely. But that client came from a fluke phone call, not even from a business source. You might say that it was based on a foundation that was established long before (cause and effect) - that would be true - but the fact was that at that point in time, I did nothing to seek clients and didn't even know those kinds of projects existed.

There is a subtlety here that we need to understand. You said, "then get into action with what your intuition guides you to do." Just trust that your intuition may at times guide you to sit back and wait. Actually, becoming a magnet is action, too. :-)

Just remember that doing the mental and spiritual homework IS taking action in and of itself. And the mental activity is thousands of times more powerful than any physical activity.

But at the same time, we ALSO remain open to those intuitive promptings that guide us to physical action.

So our results can manifest either way. We must remain open to both aspects of these manifestation laws - and realize that it's not really "magic" we are referring to. I have always said that what we think of as "supernatural" is really quite natural once you understand the laws.

You are right though, Felicia, the main essence of the post is the guidance system that operates once we tune in.

Here's to everyone experiencing some magic!


Marilyn Jenett, Founder and Mentor, the Feel Free to Prosper Program
Website: http://www.FeelFreetoProsper.com
Ryze Network: http://prosper-network.ryze.com
About Marilyn: http://www.feelfreetoprosper.com/introduction.html

Private Reply to Marilyn Jenett

Feb 13, 2008 11:36 pmMetaphysical Marketing: Feel Free to Prosper for Your Business (Wednesday, Part 3)#

Marilyn Jenett

Action? Or Magic?

And Felicia's response...

Well, I love the idea of a little (or a lot of!) magic!

And I definitely agree that mental and spiritual homework (especially like what you describe in your Lesson One) IS action. I have a full notebook to prove it!

Thanks for the inspiration!


Private Reply to Marilyn Jenett

Feb 14, 2008 1:25 amre: Metaphysical Marketing: Feel Free to Prosper for Your Business (Wednesday, Part 3)#

Kathleen Jaap, CPA, MA
I have just completed Lesson One...again! This core lesson is timeless and creates such an immediate shift in consciousness. Marilyn is right, action takes many forms....There are times when I do nothing and I get nothing...There are times when I release and let go....an action...and the creation begins forming in Divine timing. Just today for example, I had signed up for a class to keep my CPA license current. The local office called me and told me the class had been cancelled. At first, I felt disappointed. I really like attending the classes near my home rather than going all the way to Houston. Rather than remain in those feelings, I chose to release them immediately. I inquired why the class had been cancelled...turns out the speaker cancelled....Viola! I asked, "do you need another speaker?" I spoke with the coordinator and she put me in touch with the sponsor. I will be speaking at a future class!...and I am also going to have a booth to showcase my coaching and seminar enterprise for 2 days in May at one of major CPA expos! All of this came out of a simple inquiry as to what had happened....plain curiosity.

This magic manifested by the action of me letting go....which could be seen as doing nothing...depending on one's viewpoint.

This is my kind of Metaphysical Marketing!

Kathleen Jaap
Business and Personal Prosperity Coaching and Consulting

Private Reply to Kathleen Jaap, CPA, MA

Feb 15, 2008 4:21 pmre: re: Feel Free to Prosper for Business: Metaphysical Marketing (Here on the Network)#

Paula Quick
Hello, All:

Just jumping in here. I like to read the posts but don't always have time to post. However, I AM a student of Lesson One and I love it.

What also strikes me as interesting Kathleen, is that the opportunity came when you were doing work on behalf of the women's shelter.

When it was no longer all about you and the perfect space, the perfect people, etc. boom, came your breakthrough.

Service to others plays a role in our success, too!

You are such an inspiration!

Blessed by the Best,
Paula Quick, Holistic Bridal Consultant & Business Strategist
www.bridalsuitereflexology.com / The Traveling Vineyard
http://www.thelemonadecoach.com / http://www.myttv.com/Paula12592

Private Reply to Paula Quick

Feb 15, 2008 5:01 pmFeel Free to Prosper for Business: Metaphysical Marketing (Here on the Network)#

Kathleen Jaap, CPA, MA
Hi Paula,

It so true that when we get off of focusing on ourselves and how we think it has to be done, and we reach out to others, we clear the way for the "magic" Marilyn talks about. Reaching out to others is a cornerstone for success.

So many times people tell me that they have too much going on, too many of their own problems...all excuses, in my book, as to why they cannot be of service to others. So, they do stay stuck in their pattern. They continue to create more of the same, even when they think they are helping it by struggling...

Release of "How it has to be" or "How you think it SHOULD be" is the most powerful opening in which Spirit moves. It is immediate! The energy is just there already, waiting to manifest for you. Spirit knows our deepest desires and brings them forth when we get out of the way!

I find it easier and easier to release those people and appearances which to do not serve me or anyone else...I now choose keeping my eye on the higher Truth of Divine Mind in everyone in all situations....which always manifests magnificence in right timing for everyone!

Thank you for your thoughts, Paula.



Kathleen Jaap
Business and Personal Prosperity Coaching and Consulting

Private Reply to Kathleen Jaap, CPA, MA

Feb 16, 2008 4:53 amMetaphysical Marketing: Feel Free to Prosper for Your Business (Friday)#

Marilyn Jenett
Metaphysical Marketing Workshop

Antidote to the Fear of Failure

I believe that the antidote for the fear of failure is to come to the realization once and for all that you are NOT alone in this game called life.

You have at your disposal all of the creative forces of the Universe and all you need to do is to acknowledge this and open yourself to access guidance and direction from this universal intelligence. Call this guidance, call it intuition, call it inspiration. Call it whatever you want, but come to the clear cut decision that it exists and it exists for YOU.

Think of the vast ocean of the Universe. You are not the whole ocean but you are a drop in the ocean and all of the characteristics, abilities, potential and creative power of the ocean, are in you. You cannot be separated from the ocean. You are always connected to your source.

But somewhere along your path you came to believe that there is a separation, that you are not connected to your source of good. This is an illusion that was created from the negative beliefs you acquired along the way, most likely instilled in your mind by others, even from a very young age.

This was not your fault. This does not mean that you are undeserving, that you are doing something wrong (at least consciously) or that you are not a good person - or that you are destined for failure. You just acquired false beliefs and took on the beliefs of others who were unaware and made them your own.

It's time to recognize those beliefs for what they are and shift the focus of your thoughts and emotions to that intelligence that can turn everything around - and often so quickly that it's stunning (I hope you will read my own story of guidance and synchronicity and how it dramatically changed my life). All I did was what I am suggesting that you now do.

Let's say that we are spiritually oriented. Well, we must have the willingness to practice what we believe and incorporate our beliefs into our real world activity. When we do so, we will get a response. And another. And another. That's what I call spiritual intelligence. And that is the foundation of success.

~ Marilyn

Private Reply to Marilyn Jenett

Feb 16, 2008 9:59 amMetaphysical Marketing: Feel Free to Prosper for Your Business (Saturday)#

Marilyn Jenett
Metaphysical Marketing Workshop

Overcoming the Fear of Asking for Business

The key, the secret to getting over the fear of asking for business is this...

Fear comes from focus on the self - self consciousness and self involvement. Thoughts and emotions are centered on you.

So then...what we must do to overcome fear is to shift our thinking to the other person - our potential customer or client. In our thoughts and emotions, we now change our focus to make it all about "them" - their needs, their goals, how we can be of help to benefit them. We hold the thought that we are providing a valuable service and product and wish to enhance the life experience of the other person.

It is an absolute fact that the mind cannot hold two opposing thoughts at the same time. Really.

And it is another insidious fact that the thoughts that we do hold will eventually realize themselves as reality in our lives.

So it is of utmost importance that we deal with this issue of fear and once and for all, claim victory over it.

How can we do this?

Let me tell you about one of my all time favorite teachers and influences. No, I didn't know him personally, but he was a great influence on my life and we have all heard of his work, even if we didn't know him as the source...

Émile Coué was a French psychologist and pharmacist in the 1800s and early 1900s who introduced a method of psychotherapy, healing, and self-improvement based on optimistic autosuggestion. He is often considered the "father" of the New Thought movement.

The application of his familiar conscious suggestion, "Every day, in every way, I'm getting better and better" (Tous les jours à tous points de vue je vais de mieux en mieux), is the best known example of what is often called Couéism or the Coué method.

The Coué method depended on the conscious suggestion that the subject was required to repeat in early morning and before going to sleep at night.

Coué opened a free clinic at Nancy in 1910.  He later toured America, where he popularized the phrase as part of his therapeutic method. Conscious suggestion has since become an integral element in many popular systems of healing and self-improvement.

Coué also gave us another revelation. He demonstrated that when there is a conflict between the imagination and will power, the imagination wins every time. Here is his famous quote...

"When the imagination and will power are in conflict, are antagonistic,
it is always the imagination which wins, without any exception."

Coué’s teachings during his life time were more popular in Europe than in America, many who took on his teaching in America went on to become famous themselves for spreading the ‘gospel’ of his words. Notably, Norman Vincent Peale, Robert Schuller, W. Clement Stone and others. To this day, most of us have heard his affirmation...

"Every day in every way, I am getting better and better."

Coué’s discovery amounts to is that thoughts that fill our mind tend to realize themselves; when thoughts are dwelled upon, the mind tends to transform them into action if it accepts them. Whatever we think becomes true for us. Or to put it another way...what you focus on is what you get.

In other words, if you can get a person to think and believe that they are getting better, they will do so. Secondly. he says that the imagination (unconscious) always dominates the will. If we try to control our actions through the use of our will, we shall fail, unless our will happens to be in agreement with our imagination. If we can control our thoughts - our imagination - then we can control our actions. Thus we should always try to think that we are healthy rather than ill, happy rather than sad, and successful rather than a failure. And confident and poised rather than fearful.

The problem then is one of implanting the proper thoughts in the mind.

Coué says that it is impossible for the mind to accept two thoughts at the same time; that is, when a person is thinking two contradictory thoughts they will not be accepted. If, however, a person dwells upon one thought only, this thought will penetrate the unconscious and be acted upon.

So, in summary, I ask...

What thoughts will you dwell on today and tomorrow. Fear? Confidence? Poise?

That decision will determine your victory over fear. And with regard to asking for business?

If you remain centered and poised, and if the other person is not receptive, then you can remain confident that your heart and mind were in the right place - you really did wish to help them - and you carry on, knowing that you just had a valuable rehearsal. :-) But surprisingly, your outward focus on the other person without attachment to the end result, will result in many more people being receptive to your offerings.

~ Marilyn

Private Reply to Marilyn Jenett

Feb 16, 2008 4:23 pmre: Metaphysical Marketing: Feel Free to Prosper for Your Business (Saturday)#

Linda Cheek
Thank you Marilyn for these words of wisdom.....

Happy Traveling!
Linda Cheek
For ALL your travel needs...www.spendlesstravel.com
For only $99.95,get a 2-for-1 CRUISE, and start your own business!

Private Reply to Linda Cheek

Feb 21, 2008 6:26 amMetaphysical Marketing: Working to Live or Living to Work?#

Marilyn Jenett
Metaphysical Marketing Workshop

Working to Live or Living to Work?

Some time ago a very knowledgeable business person and I were discussing the concept of passive income and he quoted a famous guru who stated that if you make a lot of money but have to show up to work, then you're still a slave.
I said that I didn't necessarily agree with that. I'm all for creating passive income, don't get me wrong. But when you are showing up to do the work that you love, you are certainly not a slave!  Which brings to mind the subject of "Working to Live or Living to Work" which I believe is worth exploring...
I believe we are all given special talents and gifts and that it is up to us to discover those gifts and become aligned with our true purpose. I believe that when we find that purpose - our true "work" - we are in bliss and in love with it because we are doing what we were meant to do. It could be in business or the arts or science or even being a parent.
So, in essence, we are living to "work" - to express OUR work, our purpose, our joy, our bliss. That is what I mean by living to work. And I believe there is a very good chance that when we are aligned with that work, we become a magnet to the material riches that the Universe has for us and we are open to the abundance that surrounds us.
I don't know how many would agree with me, but I could never live a life doing nothing but traveling, vacationing, lunching, spending hours at Neiman Marcus, country clubbing, etc. I for one will always need to be expressing myself in some joy-filled work - my soul demands it. Just like my body needs to breath. 
Of course, that doesn't mean that I couldn't take a month away now and then :-)
A very clear picture comes to mind. There is a wonderful movie titled Always - a Steven Spielberg film and remake of the original A Guy Named Joe...about a woman whose pilot fiance returns after death to guide her to new love. Well, in the modern version, the pilots are  firefighters who fly the planes that spray the forests to put out fires. (By the way, it's a great movie and I recommend it to everyone.) 
Anyway, I saw a documentary about Spielberg while he was filming this movie and in one scene he was way up in the sky in a crane checking out the scenes and lay of the land. All around him were the blazing fires (I had hoped they weren't real trees but just special effects). What struck me so intensely was when he took his eyes away from his camera, stood up, threw up his arms and yelled, "MY GOD, I LOVE THIS BUSINESS!"
THAT'S living to work. He doesn't have to do it for the money.  He has all the passive income in the world.
Now this subject surfaced because this businessman and I were discussing the increasing potential for Feel Free to Prosper books and products to create passive income. Lovely. But nothing in the world can take the place of showing up to see the posts from my students and visitors or exchanging the prosperity energy on our calls or in classes.
This reminds me of another famous quote out there to the effect that "showing up is half the battle."
Passive income? Showing up? I say, why not have both? There are no limits in this abundant Universe.

Are you working to live? Or living to work?

Would you like to find your true place in life and live to work?

There is a part of you that knows just what your true place is and can guide you to it. The Feel Free to Prosper lesson and mentoring program will connect you to the part that knows. You can find details here: http://www.feelfreetoprosper.com/products.html

~ Marilyn

Private Reply to Marilyn Jenett

Feb 23, 2008 4:41 amMetaphysical Marketing: Attracting Ideal Clients#

Marilyn Jenett
Metaphysical Marketing Workshop

Attracting Ideal Clients

Attracting the Right Clients, Giving up the Wrong Ones

I have found through years of experience, that when we are not afraid of giving up the "lesser," the "greater" is right around the corner waiting to arrive.

It's when we lose that fear, that neediness...that the right clients will gravitate to us.

We can also establish in our subconscious mind - through affirmations and other prosperity principles - that we only attract those clients who are in harmony with us.

You see, a major component of my teachings is that our clients are NOT our source of income. There is only one Source of our supply - in any form.  Clients are just a channel, they are not the source. So when we put our reliance on our Source (the Universe, God, Spirit, Infinite Intelligence, etc), then we become open to all the channels that are right for us.   

I often affirm and feel that the students/clients who are drawn to me come via divine appointment - they are meant to be my students and clients. We are drawn together for mutual benefit.

And it really does turn out that way. Remember that what we focus on we create and that includes our ideal clients.

The Dartboard Method for Attracting Clients

Here are two of the best tips I can offer to attract business...aligned with applying Feel Free to Prosper lessons, of course…

Tip One…

It doesn't work for me when my mind is focused on "selling" or "getting" business. It goes back to my teachings and alignment with the mental laws (noted below).

When my focus is instead on "having" the business and the income, that's when it shakes up the Universe on my behalf. I have shared this excerpt from my lessons so many times before. ..

"This is the reality: As long as you continue to believe the same fact in the PRESENT MOMENT, conditions will remain exactly the same and you will continue to have the same experiences.

The subconscious mind will create for us and attract to us those circumstances that it accepts to be true in the present moment. That is its nature. It’s compulsive. Our job is to condition our subconscious mind to accept what we want as if it’s an EXISTING reality. Tomorrow never comes. It is always the present moment or NOW in consciousness. When what we call later or tomorrow arrives, it will actually still be the present moment. It is always NOW. And what we are thinking and feeling NOW is what determines our future, its outcomes and experiences. We create that future right this moment."

Lesson Three, Accept It Now
Copyright 2003-2008 Marilyn Jenett, Feel Free to Prosper

If you will grasp this, your circumstances will change quickly.

As long as you think and feel that you have to "get" sales and business, you are actually giving your subconscious the message that you don't have them now. And what your subconscious accepts...is what you get.

Tip Two…

I never think in terms of sales. When I do, I pull myself back out of it. I think instead: Who can I help today? Who needs what I have to offer? And I ask the Universe to send them my way.

This transforms my consciousness of "having to get" -  into a consciousness of "what can I give?” This can transform your business.

With this attitude of already having the students/clients, why would I "want" something I already have? So I stay in "having" mode as much as I can. That state of mind and feeling magnetizes those people to me who resonate to my offerings. And I don't have to be concerned about whether they will buy or not - I just assume they are here by divine appointment :-)

I did this very thing in my corporate business of two decades. When a client called, I assumed they were mine and I always booked them.

One Ryzer used to express it as the "dart" and "dartboard" methods of marketing and selling. He only believed in the dart method. I think both have validity in business, but I have had my greatest successes as a dartboard :-)

Can you imagine having clients irresistibly attracted to you?

Feel Free to Prosper students actually have that experience. You have the innate ability to become a magnet to your good. The Feel Free to Prosper lesson and mentoring program will reveal that ability. http://www.feelfreetoprosper.com/products.html

~ Marilyn

Private Reply to Marilyn Jenett

Feb 24, 2008 10:48 amMetaphysical Marketing: Always Assume the Door is Open#

Marilyn Jenett
Metaphysical Marketing Workshop

Always Assume the Door is Open

One of the most important lessons I teach my prosperity students is to NEVER assume a door is closed based on outer appearances. Stated in the positive, ALWAYS assume the door is open.

Just recently, one of my private students had a wonderful example of this. Barbara was an attorney but instead of continuing to practice law, she chose to work in attorney placement (recruiting).

She had a perfect candidate for a certain type of law firm and everything seemed to be completely synchronistic until the day she called to set up the appointment for her candidate's interview. When she called, the firm informed her that they had decided to use another recruiting firm. 

I explained to her that she must never assume that the door is closed - that anything can happen and she should not be "hypnotized" by appearances. Always leave the door open in your consciousness. Don't assume a result is final.

Well, only a week went by and the firm called her to tell her that the other recruiting firm didn't work out after all, so they were still looking and needed her services. She called her candidate to make sure he was still available, and found out that he was. But again, when she called to arrange the interview, the firm thanked her but told her they had just hired an attorney to fill the position. She congratulated the client (at the firm) and told him to feel free to call her in the future if they needed her help.

She was disappointed but I reminded her again to always assume that the door is open. She bounced back.

A few days went by, and the client called her again. Apparently the attorney they hired did not accept the position after all.

By this time, she had come up with TWO perfect candidates for the firm and after all that had transpired, the preferred scenario would be a matter of the firm deciding which one to hire.
I was delighted when Barbara told me that she had consummated the placement for that firm. Delighted, but not surprised. :-)
So you see, we must never consider an opportunity "lost" or gone. Based on our faith in the divine order of things, the Universe will create all manner of adjustments to bring to us what is rightfully ours. And often there must be adjustments in circumstances and timing to allow all of the right elements to come together in a situation.

The secret is to relax and trust.

It can make a profound difference in your ability to manifest.

Always Assume the Door is Open (Part 2)

Someone responded as follows when I posted the message above on a network forum...

"I read your post. It was enlightening. For me, however, I believe when one door closes that means God is preparing to open up something greater. Sometimes doors need to be closed so we don't enter into a "mess" that can be difficult to get out of."

This woman went on to explain how one closed door resulted in another door opening with greater opportunity for her. I was glad she brought this up and felt her comments were important enough to expand my original message for greater understanding...

There is a subtle nuance here, as follows...

I said to "assume the door is open." I didn't mean to visualize, force, attempt to alter or mistrust the course of divine guidance.

It is important to become attuned to the "synchronicity and guidance" that flows in our life for our highest good.

However, there is no force involved in assuming that ALL doors are open for your highest good and success. So if we just assume the door is open, we are not accepting negative outcomes that unnecessarily prevent our "highest good" from coming to us, from that specific situation or any other. We are not imposing limited conditioned thinking on the outcome.

I like the way Dr. Joseph Murphy expressed it: he called it "divine indifference." That means it's okay if it happens and it's okay if it doesn't. This has also been referred to in modern times as "detachment" from the outcome and "allowing."

So in assuming that the door is open - you put no limitations on the outcome. If it happens, wonderful. If it doesn't, you just know it's for your highest good and not because you limited your thinking or caused it to close from your negative judgments. If the door is closed in final...as this woman described, it will play itself out and you will know why. If you read my entrepreneurial memoir, you will see how many really striking examples of success there were of doors that would have remained permanently closed had I not turned my thinking around.

I don't consider this second-guessing God, I consider it refining our consciousness to be able to accept more of what God wants for us. And for every door that closes in final, in my experience there are far more doors that can re-open with a little adjustment in our thinking.

So, you still have everything to gain and nothing to lose from assuming that the door is open. You are in fact putting your trust in the divine instead of your own preconceived imaginings.

But you have everything to lose if you push the door closed while it may just be ajar.

Does that clarify?

Are you aware that there is a door open before you right now?

You have the opportunity to learn the most powerful prosperity principles available in a single class. Walk through the door to your Prosperity Consciousness with the Feel Free to Prosper Program based on Lesson One. http://feelfreetoprosper.com/newyearaudio.html

~ Marilyn

Private Reply to Marilyn Jenett

Feb 28, 2008 7:34 amMetaphysical Marketing: Compete or Complete?#

Marilyn Jenett
Metaphysical Marketing Workshop

Compete or Complete?

Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.

~ Unknown

A member of a network posted her dilemma. She claimed that another women to whom she had offered much guidance and advice was now imitating everything she was doing in her business and taking business away from her. She said that this other woman spent all of her time trying to “emulate” her.

The definition of "emulate" is to strive to equal or excel, especially through imitation, to rival with some degree of success, to compete with successfully; approach or attain equality with.

I expressed my opinion of the matter as follows:

The issue is not this other woman. The issue is your belief in competition, the belief that there is not enough in this abundant universe to go around. The issue is a deep seated fear that this woman can do you harm. That is based in a lack consciousness, not a prosperity consciousness. The only danger here is that your fears will take root and result in a self-fulfilled prophecy.

The truth is that she cannot harm you or take anything from you. In fact, I believe she has now become the "teacher." She is presenting you with a wonderful opportunity to learn the higher laws of life - and success.

What a tribute and testimony to you that she has taken your guidance and advice and is turning it into her own success. How flattering that she chooses to emulate you. You are her mentor. This is indeed a tribute.

I would advise you to turn your thinking around and look at it all from a new perspective. Are you good at what you do? Yes? And why are you in business? You are in business to offer valuable service and to make money doing so.

If this woman really is copying or emulating you, then she must be offering something of value also. If so, she deserves to prosper. You taught her to do this. You were her teacher, her advisor. Why would you not want her to succeed? (It's that ol' fear rearing its head).

Get into your mind - and really understand this - that there is more than enough to go around. There is plenty of business, there are plenty of customers, and plenty of money in the Universe. There is room for others besides you to offer the services.

If you will turn your thinking around to wish her well (I don't care if you have to grit your teeth at first to do it!) and stop considering her a threat in any way, you will be delighted to find more business seeking YOU out.

It is important that we reach a point in our businesses where we understand the vast benefits of thinking creatively and not competitively. It's the point where we realize we are complete within ourselves and our business is nurtured by the Universe. We only gain when we wish the same for others that we wish for ourselves - and that means for our "competition" too.

I had a major life lesson in this some years ago...

This is a chapter titled "Complete or Compete" from my memoir, Feel Free to Prosper: an Entrepreneurial Memoir of Synchronicity and Guidance
Marilyn's Memoir,  and this was my lesson...

When I founded my company, I was considered a pioneer in the industry - one who created the idea of a location company for events. My inspiration came from the film location companies which were extremely common in Los Angeles. But no one had ever had a location company for parties and events before. It was another industry entirely. So I was influenced and I guess you could say I "copied" the concept of booking locations from the established film location companies.

However, my business had a unique twist and didn't compete with them - and that uniqueness is what brought me worldwide publicity. I often mentioned in publicity that I got the idea from film location companies. Did I copy the idea? Yes, I believe so. It wasn't meant to flatter, of course, but I sensed an opportunity - a missing link that had not been addressed - and I hit gold. So I was guided to take an existing, established idea and make it different and better for another purpose.

On occasion I actually used the services of these film location companies. In fact, they provided all of the mansions I booked in Los Angeles for the Campbell Soup promotions in 2004 to 2006, since there were different requirements than those for a typical one day event. We all profited.

If you can't say something nice...don't say anything at all.

~ Thumper in Bambi (1942)


At the time I created my business, there was a woman who owned a late film star’s home in Beverly Hills. Although the home had a celebrity connotation, it had “old Hollywood” décor and was really not the most appealing - there were so many more beautiful mansions to book. My clients didn't care for the home but I continued to show it along with the others because I wanted to help her.

The owner became upset because they wouldn't book it.

So just a few years after I started my business...she decided to become my only competitor and went for it full force. We even ended up in a feature story in the Los Angeles Times together, in which they depicted us as "rivals." Prior to that time, I was the only game in town - in the world, in fact :-)

So...there was now someone who copied my concept, went after the same venues (I didn't really want exclusives), some of the same clients and even created the name for her company that started with one letter before mine in the alphabet, so that she would be above my company in the trade publications.

This was truly one of the greatest business and spiritual lessons of my life. Although it ruffled me at first, when I "lifted" myself above the situation, I realized that the competition was the best thing that could have ever happened to me and that in reality there was no competition. Those clients who were right for me easily found me. She attracted those who were right for her. It inspired me to be an even better businesswoman than I was and propelled me to new professionalism. And it paid off. Her style of doing business was quite a bit different than mine. One of her specialties was weddings, which I stopped booking in favor of corporate clients. Corporate clients who met the two of us contracted my services. Sure it was sweet, but I wished her well and even sent her holiday cards on occasion. We occasionally spoke. I came to the realization that there is enough abundance for everyone in business and you can never lose what is rightfully yours except through fearful lack thinking and a negative consciousness. Lesson learned. It was a great growing experience toward my prosperity consciousness.

I don't believe in competition, at least in the traditional sense. Oh sure, it may appear to be there on the surface, but when we focus on giving the very best of ourselves and rely on the Universal source for our supply, we can trust that we will always be exactly where we are supposed to be with the right people and the right circumstances and we will be happy to afford others the same. If we feel threatened by competition, it only means one thing: we are operating from fear and lack and not from our true nature as children of a rich and abundant Universe.

We do not have to compete. We are complete. We are whole, complete and perfect. When we recognize our completion within, all outer circumstances will be consummated, perfected and completed to reflect our inner state.

If someone creates another business similar to yours, that's copying an idea. If you are the role model or influence, then you can be flattered.

What if someone copies us to the extent that there are violations or infringements? If they copy or use our quotes, text or intellectual property without credit, then that’s an infringement or “theft.” We have the right to protect our interests and take action if needed - that's good business sense. But I like what the great teacher Dr. Joseph Murphy said: When you steal from your brother, you steal from yourself. What you wish for your brother, you wish for yourself. So if someone does steal, the laws of their own mind and consciousness will take care of them.

The Universe doesn't miss a trick.

You can increase your business quickly and effortlessly with the Feel Free to Prosper program.  As they ask in a current television commericial, "Why wouldn't you?" http://www.feelfreetoprosper.com/products.html

~ Marilyn

Private Reply to Marilyn Jenett

Mar 04, 2008 4:14 amMetaphysical Marketing: Working Hard? Marilyn's Ol' Book-a-Castle Trick#

Marilyn Jenett
Metaphysical Marketing Workshop

Working Hard?

Marilyn's Ol' Book-a-Castle Trick

In a past discussion on another network, someone asked: If our thoughts had that much power, then why would we need to work at our business so hard? We could just create a mind thought to make people buy from us.

And here was my response...

But you see, that is exactly the point! And that is exactly what I do and what I teach others to do. You would probably agree that 99% of the population is working "hard" and not succeeding. There is an easier way...the real path to success.

You can use the power of your mind (which connects you to the creative forces of the Universe) and people will "buy from you," so to speak.

I would like to share a personal example of this from my  corporate business a few of years ago...

One of the bookings for my corporate client, Campbell (Soup), was not going to happen, as of that date.
Campbell had come to me effortlessly (truly out of the blue) a couple of years before and I had booked every promotion up to that time...this was #6 and we were at an impasse. It had to do with the timing of the promotion - the date could not be moved up to accommodate the only week that the castle in England was available for us to book for the fulfillment date of the promotion. And I knew that this castle was the only one that was so perfect for this promotion.

After a couple of weeks in which the client attempted to change the promotion date - pow wows with their marketing department, ad agency, etc. - they told me it was determined that it could not be changed. End of discussion. These were multi-million dollar promotions and planning could not be changed at the drop of a hat. I had negotiated the price for the castle to perfectly accommodate them, but the available rental date just wouldn't work with their schedule. They said I would have to find another location.

Okay...back to those creative forces. The quantum field. The Universe. The field of all possibilities. I don't care what you call it. I just know I can depend on it to come through. End of discussion. :-) Hey, I've been practicing for decades and after having it work over and over again, you just finally "get it". A request like this is elementary for the Universe.

So, I had a chat with the Universe. And the Universe told me to do exactly what I would teach my students to do. Of course. I should have thought of that :-)

What technique might I teach a student to do in this situation? Got it!

I got on the computer and prepared the contracts (for Cambell, there were three contracts for each booking - two of them had to be done at the beginning along with the invoice for the deposit). Well, I completed the contracts and prepared them for signature by me, Eastnor Castle in England and my client, Campbell. I went to sleep. My job was done. It was time for the Universe to take over.

The next morning (my client was three hours ahead of my time zone) I received a phone message and also found an email from my contact at the client's marketing company. He said that the client that morning suddenly and inexplicably decided to go with the English castle after all and was changing the promotion date to start in February instead of May! The "impossible" happened. My trust in the power of the Universe was greater than the power of a billion dollar corporation!

So please don't tell me about how hard we have to work. When I stopped working hard at my business, THAT's when it all starting flowing to me easily. The "hardest" thing is to release the belief that you have to work so hard, which is the very thing that keeps you from your success. I explain the reasons for this in my teachings. There is a little-known law called The Law of Reversed Effort, which explains that the harder you try to do something, the less chance you have of achieving it.

Now of course I am not suggesting that we take no action. What I AM suggesting is that we take "inspired" action based on our intuitive guidance from the Universe instead of working hard.

And by the way, I ask students in my program to think about their core belief about money and prosperity - so I can then have them recognize it for the lie that it is. Do you know what one of the most common responses is? It's that they have to work "hard" and "struggle" to make money.

Recognize that for the lie that it is. Nurture your connection to your higher wisdom, your trust in universal guidance.

You wouldn't believe what else I have in my complete bag of tricks. :-)

You can read more about my entrepreneurial adventures (and metaphysical tools and tricks) in  my memoir, Feel Free to Prosper: an Entrepreneurial Memoir of Synchronicity and Guidance, here on the Feel Free to Prosper Network, http://www.ryze.com/posttopic.php?topicid=743240&confid=481.

Or you can learn all of my tools and tricks in a Feel Free to Prosper program, http://feelfreetoprosper.com/products.html

Or you can choose to work hard.

~ Marilyn

Private Reply to Marilyn Jenett

Mar 08, 2008 7:46 amMetaphysical Marketing: Giving Free Services and Prosperity Consciousness#

Marilyn Jenett
Metaphysical Marketing Workshop

Giving "Free" Services and Prosperity Consciousness

The subject of “free” services has come up at various times on the forums, and as a teacher of prosperity principles, I find it of particular interest as it relates to our consciousness - our own as well as that of the recipients involved.

Now I am not suggesting that my views below will apply to everyone, but I do have some definite ideas about this idea of "free services" that I hope will add some value.

Helping people with products and services and receiving value for it is paramount and I support ideas completely about an appropriate exchange of value - personally and in my teachings. But I have also found in my position and experience as a mentor that there are options that allow you to "give" without "giving your value away" and still command respect while nurturing new business and creating financial returns.

With my own programs, I have several arrangements:

1. First, there are those who easily pay full price up front for our products or services - we might call them our  "ideal customers." 

2. Second, there are free incentives and bonuses that we offer for promotional purposes - this is a common aspect of today's marketing climate. It may be a free report, mini-course or eBook to encourage newsletter subscriptions, perhaps a bonus gift with a purchase, or a free teleclass designed to attract paying customers. I won't elaborate on this kind of promotional marketing in this segment.

3. Next, there are barter situations that work out beautifully. We can and should develop discernment about with whom we barter, of course. One of my requirements for barter is that the other person believes that they are receiving, and that they do receive, MORE in value than they are providing me. But barter is another topic entirely.

4. And finally - the aspect of "free" that I would like to focus on here related to our theme of metaphysical marketing - there are some whom I believe are sincere and will benefit from my program but don't have the ability to pay. Again, we must use our intuition to recognize those situations that will be of mutual benefit. In special situations like this, I allow the person to make payments that are comfortable or they must commit to pay as soon as they get results and attract income. Here's why...

It is important that they commit to pay. Their commitment fulfills the Universal law of circulation, the law of compensation, and the law of giving and receiving and helps us to personally maintain a sense of worth and know our value. And there is another important reason which I will explain fully below. But it also allows us to help some who may not appear to be a "perfect customer" at that time and who are not in a position to pay for our services at that moment. It can open the door to many referrals. And of course there is the gratification from helping someone out. But again, a commitment of exchange in value is very important.

Early in my experience as a mentor who charges for programs and services, I found that people who received my mentoring at no charge did not get the results or succeed like the ones who paid. This seemed to be consistent. At first thought, it appears that there is a certain commitment level required on the part of the receiver as well as a level of respect, either for the mentor's time or for the program and information itself. It is unfortunate that people just do not hold the same respect for help that is free, as there is no investment on their part and thus less motivation to apply the advice or teachings (although this may be on a subliminal level).

Then I realized something. As a teacher of prosperity principles, the purpose of my mentoring is to take my students from a lack consciousness to a prosperity consciousness that allows them to naturally receive money and success. So I made a decision and it has worked beautifully. If someone comes to me and sincerely wants my help but does not have the money to pay, I say to them: "If I give you my program or services for free, then I am nurturing your poverty consciousness, telling your subconscious that you don't have money. So I will not give you my help for free. What I will do is allow you to participate in my program at no initial (up front) charge, but when you get your results, you will pay me."

What I have just done is tell that person's subconscious mind that this program will work and that they will have the money to pay. I have just helped them take that first step on their path to a prosperity consciousness - faith and expectation. In essence, we are both "stepping out in faith." They feel that if I am willing to trust them for payment, then the program must really work. But they are also making a commitment and that is important. They are investing in themselves. These students always pay when they get results and some have even offered monetary gifts beyond that. Some of them have become great manifesters.

Now I want to qualify this and say that I will offer this option with teleclass and audio programs only, where my personal time is not involved. I would not do this for private mentoring.

I'd like to share a couple of examples with regard to the above:

One woman contacted me on Ryze who was in a dire situation and asked if she could make payments for my audio program (the only audio program I offered at that time was $250). She has four children, was in an abusive marriage for 12 years, and desperately wanted to find her way out and to prosper. I agreed that she could pay as she could. I "felt" her sincerity and need.

I say "was in an abusive relationship" because shortly after beginning my program, she sent me many messages asking me to post her results anonymously on my network, because she felt that her results could help others. She was freed and her prosperity opened up for her. The husband was gone via court order; she received a gift of an older model luxury car with very low mileage – someone who died in her city had requested the car be given to a family in need; her own coaching practice began to thrive. She made payments to me as she went along and honored her commitment until paid in full.

This woman's situation added great meaning to my work and I am so glad that I have adopted this policy for certain situations. About six months later, she herself posted on the network that someone she had only met once and who never met her children, left in their will, $200,000 for the children’s education - $50,000 each. And at her one-year "anniversary" since starting my program, this woman again posted on the network and sent me a beautiful private letter. She had a new home and she and her children were fulfilled in every possible way. Her business had taken off and she was about to make a cross country trip for business. She recapped the year and mentioned how she had reached out to me with $5 in her PayPal account one year before. Had I turned this woman away because she couldn't pay, I would have missed one of the most gratifying situations of my life.

This was another interesting situation:

A few years ago, I allowed a man to attend my group teleclass program who was having a difficult time financially. He had committed to pay, but a real estate deal he had been working on for almost three months fell through. When the group decided to continue for the second month, he still couldn't pay for either month, but my intuition told me to keep him in the group. I have learned to listen to those promptings and not rationalize them.

Then he asked if I would consider spending time helping him personally.. Again, he could not pay but he offered  a “tithing" relationship, in which I would personally mentor him and he would compensate me with 10% of his income. I won't discuss tithing in detail here but for the moment, just think of it as a consultation fee based upon results. I knew he was sincere. As it turned out, I only spent a few hours mentoring him on the telephone and he was still in our group teleclass program, but in less than two weeks, the real estate deal came alive again (with the same parties!) and he received many thousands of dollars, for which my 10% portion was much greater than the $500 I would have received if he had paid me for the two group programs.

I had followed my gut feeling and helped him at a crucial time. He continued to send tithes at various intervals and has been a devoted supporter of Feel Free to Prosper. I have received many referrals to my network and program because of him and have profited financially from them - all because I was initially willing to let him "run a tab" for two months.

In summary, I believe we can develop our intuition and foresight to recognize those situations where we might give without receiving upfront payment. This is not what I consider “free." We can call it “deferred” payment if you like.

As stated, there is a Law of Compensation in the Universe, the Law of Giving and Receiving. A balance is necessary for an orderly universe. It is all part of the whole.

I am not suggesting that anyone else adopt this policy. That is your own personal decision. I just wanted to give you some food for thought relating to this idea of “free” and offer a possible compromise that could result in win-win. Perhaps it will help you re-consider and sort out the people who are worth a helping hand. It can be very gratifying.

This doesn’t mean that there are not times when we can or should give to our fellow humans without compensation. There are, but that is another issue - a philanthropic one - which is not related to this topic, which is the operation and marketing of our business.

Now it just so "happens" that as I write this segment relating to "free" services, there is a wonderful promotion going on at Feel Free to Prosper.  I am offering my new eBook, An Introduction to Universal Laws and Prosperity Principles, free to new newsletter subscribers. Click here for details: http://www.feelfreetoprosper.com/universal-laws-ebook.html

~ Marilyn

© Copyright 2003-2008 Marilyn Jenett, Feel Free to Prosper
All rights reserved

Private Reply to Marilyn Jenett

Mar 08, 2008 4:45 pmre: Metaphysical Marketing: Giving Free Services and Prosperity Consciousness#

bob mcalister
what a wonderful approach to llife !

ahvnet been here for a while , 'busy', not alllowing the universe to give to me...

I have recently suffered from the collapse of , what I thought, was my last real relationship, and just happened to get this from you ..

wonderful eye opener, to say the least .

Do you consciously focus on your intentions to allow the Universe to send you clients, relationships, and abundance..or does it simply become a 'part' of your awareness?

It seems I start with good intentions and my 'mind' draws me into situations that arent fulfilling and purpose drive. then I end up in the muck , paralyzed by my fear of lack. focused on what I want to avoid...

then , I realize where I have gone, and have to concentrate and focus on reclaiming my prior universal inheritance...all the while (like now) hearing this voice in my head..saying , Bob, this wont work, you are wasting time again.

is that me? my spirit? the so called devil ?

thanks for giving (forgiving?)...


Private Reply to bob mcalister

Mar 08, 2008 5:41 pmre: Metaphysical Marketing: Working to Live or Living to Work?#

Julie Bestry
I'm coming a bit late to this party, replying to Marilyn's 2/21 "Working to Live or Living to Work?" post, but realize my response is just as apt (if not more so) here than where I originally replied.

I don't have much except an "Amen" to add to this issue, because even though I spent years preparing to work in television and thought I'd love my career, 12 years in television programming brought me lots of cute hats and t-shirts, but not much satisfaction. The last 6 years owning my own business as a professional organizer have been a dream...I love never having to make excuses for someone else's bad policies, and I love never having the "cringe factor". The other day, while working with my favorite client, it occurred to me that if I won the lottery and never had to work again, I'd still work with him and many of my others, just because it's so fulfilling.

And may I say you have excellent taste in movies, Marilyn? I almost never feel that remakes live up to originals, but Richard Dreyfuss, Holly Hunter, and John Goodman are stellar in Always and they didn't throw cold water (no serious pun intended) on the work of A Guy Named Joe's Spencer Tracy and Irene Dunne (though I must say, Van Johnson was much better than Brad Johnson in the sweet galumphy role).

Julie Bestry, Certified Professional Organizer®
Best Results Organizing
"Don't apologize. Organize!"
Visit http://www.juliebestry.com to save time and money, reduce stress and increase your productivity

Private Reply to Julie Bestry

Mar 08, 2008 5:51 pmre: Metaphysical Marketing: Working Hard? Marilyn's Ol' Book-a-Castle Trick#

Julie Bestry
Marilyn, I just love this castle story. It's vivid, which allows us all to remember the example when faced with similar circumstances.

The next time I come up against an implacable person or situation, I know I'll work on "booking a castle". You've coined a rule!

Julie Bestry, Certified Professional Organizer®
Best Results Organizing
"Don't apologize. Organize!"
Visit http://www.juliebestry.com to save time and money, reduce stress and increase your productivity

Private Reply to Julie Bestry

Mar 09, 2008 10:01 amre: re: Metaphysical Marketing: Working Hard? Marilyn's Ol' Book-a-Castle Trick#

Marilyn Jenett

Thank you, Julie...

I always appreciate and love to read your interesting and intelligent replies.


Julie's posts about her speciality - organizing - are extraordinary. The advice and information is rich in content.

Julie shares a place along with me and Felicia on the "Expert Panel" on Susan's network, The Business Consortium, here on Ryze. I highly recommend you check out her weekly posts there.

~ Marilyn

Private Reply to Marilyn Jenett

Mar 09, 2008 10:27 amre: re: Metaphysical Marketing: Giving Free Services and Prosperity Consciousness#

Marilyn Jenett


If I'm not mistaken, I believe you have been "on the fence" for a long time about taking a Feel Free to Prosper program.

You are reaching out (again) and I believe it's time.

I explain this often to my students and others: it's not just about "focusing your intentions" ala law of attraction, etc. That's only part of the story.

In my opinion, the most important intention is to become aligned with that Intelligence that knows exactly how to bring your supply to you. That Intelligence has ways and means to fulfill your life that you can never imagine, dream of, or "intend." (If you read my memoir here on the network, you will understand exactly what I mean).

And what my program does is help you create that connection. The most important component is trust. You have to start somewhere and you have to trust someone if you are truly ready to grow. Trust someone to teach you how to trust that Universal Intelligence.

That voice in your head is nothing more than "devilish" recordings - those false beliefs - the stinking thinking - that was instilled in your mind many moons ago. Your spirit? Your spirit is connected to Spirit but Spirit cannot move through you until you overcome that "muck" that is the barrier to your good. When YOUR thoughts and feelings become aligned with those of Spirit, your world - and awareness - will change and all of these experiences will become shadows of the past and you will discover who and what you really are.

There are many, many FFTP students out there who will tell you to get your butt off that fence. I really hope you do.

For some reason, I am reminded of these words that I love from Tennyson...

Speak to Him, thou, for He hears, and Spirit with Spirit can meet
Closer is He than breathing, and nearer than hands and feet.

 ~ Alfred Lord Tennyson

Private Reply to Marilyn Jenett

Mar 12, 2008 5:23 amMetaphysical Marketing: Knowing When to Charge More and to Charge Less#

Marilyn Jenett
Metaphysical Marketing Workshop

Knowing When to Charge More and to Charge Less

 More And More

It was notable that when I started my business, I came up with a certain "minimum" profit I wanted to make. Within a very short time I didn't feel that profit was enough and I gingerly started to charge more. Then more. I kept stretching and kept raising my profit requirement.

NOW THIS IS THE MOST INTERESTING PART: The more I raised my prices, the more I attracted higher paying clients. Each step forward helped me release the fear that I couldn't get more (or that maybe I wasn't worth more).

The caliber of client I attracted was directly related to the amount of profit I required for myself. The more I claimed for myself, the more the Universe brought to me the clients who had the ability to pay and to accommodate my elevated prosperity consciousness. And the more I continued applying the prosperity principles, the more I claimed for myself.

Over time I completely eliminated the type of events that required much more work for much less money. I realize now that I was creating that "vacuum" for new, higher paying clients to arrive. And they kept arriving. And new circumstances opened up to attract them.

The Universe will find a way to bring us the rewards that we claim for ourselves. But we must claim it - boldly - and know we deserve it. When we release the fear and doubt, the Universe will rush to support us.

We must make a decision. We are operating from integrity, we have a viable and valuable product or service to offer, there are plenty of clients or customers who will benefit from what we have to offer, and we deserve to be rewarded appropriately.

When Less Is More…

Okay, let's say you have reached a point where you know that you deserve to be rewarded fairly for your efforts and you charge accordingly. But there are certain times, if you let your intuition guide you, when you may feel prompted to give your services for much less than your usual value. At those times you are "tuned in" and you may not know why you feel it is the right decision, but you just know and feel that it is. You don't think twice about it. These are times when you are being guided by an unseen hand - your higher self is directing you because there is more to the story than meets the eye.

A client, Michelin North America, was referred to me years back, for a relatively small event. They were showcasing their new "designer" tires to the local auto industry with a reception at our city’s automotive museum. They had invited only a few special guests, had already booked the museum so there was no profit for me there, and in short, there was a rather meager budget. The corporation, located in South Carolina (I'm in Los Angeles), didn't participate in conventions here, so there didn't seem to be much prospect for future business from them.

But my inner voice said "Do it!" I coordinated the small event and gave it my best, the client expressed appreciation and that was that.

A couple of months later I heard from the client again...they were planning to fly 250 of their best dealers from the East Coast to Los Angeles to celebrate New Year's Eve in grand style at the auto museum and to attend the Rose Parade, in which Michelin had a float. The celebration was commemorating the 100th Anniverary of Bibendum, the Michelin Man.

That New Year's Eve gala was a six figure billing from my company, Marilyn Jenett Locations. And “Bib” was a big hit at his birthday party and on his float in the parade.

In the years following that event I coordinated two other events here in Los Angeles for Michelin, including a huge media event that showcased 90 environmental cars, for which Edouard Michelin himself flew in from France. This is especially notable in that the event took place in October 2001, a month after 9/11!

It was generally known that following 9/11, the world turned upside down and special events were cancelled far and wide. People were not flying. Anthrax was major news. The hospitality and events industries were impacted greatly.

But the Michelin event I coordinated above, which was actually a part of a three-day itinerary in three cities, went on as planned.

When we boldly claim our good, all of the forces of the Universe will come into play to fulfill our expectations, sometimes in the disguise of "little packages."  When you listen to that inner voice…it will tell you when the little packages contain diamonds.

Would you like to have personal guidance about growing your business and increasing your prices to earn the income you deserve? Contact me about becoming a private mentoring student.

~ Marilyn

© Copyright 2003-2008 Marilyn Jenett, Feel Free to Prosper
All rights reserved

Private Reply to Marilyn Jenett

Mar 13, 2008 1:27 amMetaphysical Marketing: Knowing When to Charge More and to Charge Less#

Paul Finkelstein Early bird Entrepreneur - omgtalk.com

Hi Marilyn,
Going to bed early tonite, but wanted to say that I appreciate the topic about uppping my prices.
Eliminating bottom dwellers creates MORE energy instead of zapping ALL my energy.
NOW I can spend more time with qualified prospects and clients.
Sara had a nice trade in the stock market today after our phone call and I had a NEW GM of a nearby hotel INSIDE my bus and SOLD another business headshot.
I am increasing my prices in July 08.
So, in a short time of less than 5 months any new and current client can take advantage of my current prices before they have to pay what my products are really worth.
Kindest regards,

* SKYPE ID: Paul.Steven.Photography.llc "Put Your BEST Face Forward!"
"Live Where The Sun Spends The Winter On The Beaches Of The World!"
* http://paulstevenphotography.com/ "Pictures Are Forever!"
* http://www.ryze.com/posttopic.php?topicid=924302&confid=3359 XXTRA-ORDINARY!

Private Reply to Paul Finkelstein Early bird Entrepreneur - omgtalk.com

Mar 13, 2008 7:03 amre: Metaphysical Marketing: Knowing When to Charge More and to Charge Less#

Marilyn Jenett


I am so happy you shared what happened after our phone call - Sara's stock trade and your new client.

Your post was the inspiration for the next topic for this "Metaphysical Marketing Workshop" - it relates perfectly and I think you will enjoy this...

Members: Paul and Sara have not yet received their lesson material, so you will see how the following segment ties in with Paul's experience.


Private Reply to Marilyn Jenett

Mar 13, 2008 7:20 amMetaphysical Marketing: Can We Really Have the "Universe on Speed Dial?"#

Marilyn Jenett
Metaphysical Marketing Workshop

Can We Really Have the "Universe on Speed Dial?"

Susan Wrote...

As an introduction to this topic, here are a few excerpts from a message Susan posted on the Feel Free to Prosper Network...you can read her entire post with the details at the link provided...

"Who needs the Universe on Speed Dial when you have Marilyn?

"Marilyn always says that her program is like having the Universe on Speed Dial. I agree. But I found that having Marilyn on my speed dial (which she actually is - a bonus for being one of her very select few private students) is a VERY powerful thing!

"She didn't even listen to the second message...I only needed to call Marilyn and everything worked itself out.

"Marilyn explained to me that I didn't even need to speak to her. Speaking to her voice mail allowed our spirits to connect and help bring me back to the spiritual plane for guidance. And I certainly got it within MINUTES!

Read what happened to Susan here:

The Wizard of Odds?

Now, to the subject...a very interesting one...

Perhaps I shouldn't take all the credit for these seemingly "supernatural" occurrences - then again, I do believe I deserve more credit than the Wizard of Oz. :-)  All joking aside, I always say that the "supernatural" is really quite natural.

It seems that Susan recognized this connection of Spirit at a different level than previously noted on the network. I will get back to Susan's experience after I give a bit of background on this subject for everyone.

Many times in the past, students or potential students who have spoken to me have noticed that immediately after we connected, they would have a prosperity manifestation - sometimes even before they received the lesson material. Here is one example I pulled from the network archives:

I have explained this in the past and I will again...

In my opinion, there are two reasons that an immediate connection with a prosperity mentor or teacher can produce instant results:

The First Reason

One of my great teachers was Champion K. Teutsch, PhD, an extraordinary man who was not only renowned in the US for his groundbreaking work relating to mental and spiritual laws and consciousness, but he was honored in many other countries. You can go to this thread on my network and scroll down to read my tribute to him and his wife after he made his transition in 2005:

He was truly one-of-a-kind in this field and I was so fortunate that the Universe brought me to him.

Often when I went to Champion's office, he would state that as soon as I came in contact with him, I would tune into and pick up his consciousness. I would laugh about it in front of him. But then I would return to my office and some major piece of business would arrive out of the blue!

I was delighted by this but never really thought about it over the years until I started teaching Feel Free to Prosper and the same thing would happen with my students or soon-to-be students. Champion was again proven right, just as he had been proven right about many things in the medical and scientific communities.

We are all greatly affected and impacted by the consciousness of those around us. We have all felt the influence of certain people who lifted us up or made us feel happy or joyous and we have sadly experienced the opposite effect of some people.

So it's not surprising to find that when we meet someone who has a firm faith and conviction in prosperity consciousness, we can be influenced by that strong faith, vibration or "frequency", however you perceive it.

The Second Reason... and  Susan's Wings

Now the other reason this happens is actually quite obvious and easy to understand once it's explained:

When a potential student resonates to me and we connect, they acquire new inspiration and hope - the possibility that they have found the answer and solution for their life situations. And what happens then? Their subconscious mind immediately opens up with faith and expectation - and faith can move mountains. Remember the Biblical phrase about "faith as a grain of mustard seed?"

Even the tiniest bit of faith, when "sown," can open up our consciousness to grand manifestations.

We know that someone can be given a placebo instead of a medication and get immediately results. What is that about? Faith.

Now with regard to a situation like Susan's, she had been a student of mine for months and had seen pretty remarkable results. So I'd say that her faith level was up there on the scale. And yet some of her old worn out patterns have reared their head on occasion when something would trigger it. So she got caught off guard. But her subconscious mind wants to guide her and bring her back to her prosperity state. Her instinct was to reach out to me because I am her mentor and it has worked for her in the past.

She will find resolution when I speak to her, but in reality, here is what I believe was happening with her at the time of that incident...

I tell my students often that my definition of a mentor is someone who teaches their mentees to tap their own resources so that they don't need to depend on the mentor. The mentor teaches the eaglet to fly on its own.

However, during that process, the student can lean on me and allow me to be the "bridge" to get there. They can use my faith in the laws until they have increased their own faith level.

Susan was reaching out to Spirit for guidance and help. I represent her connection to Spirit - her bridge. But in that instant of reaching out to Spirit, Spirit answered her. The longer walk across the bridge was no longer necessary.

Spirit wanted to reveal itself to her, and did a perfect job of doing so - even before she could reach me personally on the telephone.

So I think the eaglet was growing her wings and learning to fly on her own. Or we can say, she was discovering for herself what it's like to have the Universe on Speed Dial. :-)

She will then become a bridge for others in her life.

I'm honored to have been the one chosen to teach her.  I hope this message will help you understand the value of finding the right teacher or mentor to speed you to the consciousness and results that you desire.

~ Marilyn

P.S. The Wizard of Odds is available to discuss your mentoring needs.

© Copyright 2003-2008 Marilyn Jenett, Feel Free to Prosper
All rights reserved

Private Reply to Marilyn Jenett

Mar 13, 2008 12:58 pmMetaphysical Marketing: Can We Really Have the "Universe on Speed Dial?"#

Paul Finkelstein Early bird Entrepreneur - omgtalk.com

Hi and Great morning Marilyn!
I should add that I was expecting 2 checks to arrive over the coming weeks but just floating in LAST nite too!
Some clients when I gave them time AFTER the job was completed take a little longer than I expect to be paid for a completed job.
But, I trusted them and expect future jobs and made an exception.
Though, I intend to collect UPFRONT on all my jobs not because of this scenario, but because it makes business wise a better decision to do such.
Helps me FOCUS on current jobs and my upcoming jobs instead of micro managing an accounts receivable folder
for considerable time.

To make a long story longer, the checks came in yesterday and it is nice to see MORE checks coming in to balance the checks going out to balance out the circle of life.
Normally people think of bills, but I assume not in FFTP arena! YES or yes????????????

Make it a supercalafrajaListiKespyALiGOshus DAY!!!!!!
C. 2008

* SKYPE ID: Paul.Steven.Photography.llc "Put Your BEST Face Forward!"
"Live Where The Sun Spends The Winter On The Beaches Of The World!"
* http://paulstevenphotography.com/ "Pictures Are Forever!"
* http://www.ryze.com/posttopic.php?topicid=924302&confid=3359 XXTRA-ORDINARY!

Private Reply to Paul Finkelstein Early bird Entrepreneur - omgtalk.com

Mar 15, 2008 1:51 pmre: Metaphysical Marketing: Can We Really Have the "Universe on Speed Dial?"#

Sandi Thompson
Hello, I had a wonderful synchronistic/serendipitous result - the day I was deciding to become a part of FFTP. I have been guided to form a strategic alliance with a specific type of coach - food addiction/weight loss. This is not a big part of my practice, so it made sense and we were brought together by another alliance partner, a women only gym. The weight loss coach had pulled off a huge coup. She arranged a luncheon for a medical group to be attended by 12 doctors and their staff. I was feeling that it would be such a great opportunity for me, but didn't want to ask her if I could tag along, although I dropped plenty of hints <>. I proposed to her that I would like to do what she had done, but with diabetes education and diet/menu planning as my focus and would she like to be included in my letter of introduction. She said she'd think about it and this morning, before my Lesson 1 even arrived, she called me to say her mentor thought my idea was brilliant and that I HAD TO BE invited to her luncheon on Tuesday and be given the opportunity to speak. He felt this was even more important than what she was going to do!!! How's that for having the universe on speed dial?!?

Sandi Thompson, NTP
Nutritional Therapy Practitioner
Blog: sandithompsonnutrition.blogspot.com
(541) 953-8715

Private Reply to Sandi Thompson

Mar 16, 2008 5:27 amre: re: Metaphysical Marketing: Can We Really Have the "Universe on Speed Dial?"#

Marilyn Jenett

What a wonderful week - new FFTP students on speed dial!

I swear that as time goes on, my students are leaping beyond the boundaries of time and space at a faster pace.

As Dr. Joseph Murphy used to say, "The feeling of success creates success."

The simple step of "committing" to take a prosperity program brings the thought and feeling of future success, right? But here's the catch:

The subconscious mind does not know the future. It only knows NOW. It is always NOW in consciousness. So at the moment that you are contemplating success in your thoughts - your subconscious mind thinks it's happening NOW. And what happens?

You found out. :-)

Thank you, Paul and Sandi, for providing such great responses (and proof) to the question above, "Can We Really Have the Universe on Speed Dial?"

~ Marilyn

Private Reply to Marilyn Jenett

Mar 28, 2008 11:29 amMetaphysical Marketing: Let the Other Party Name the Price#

Marilyn Jenett
Metaphysical Marketing Workshop

Let the Other Party Name the Price

Inspired by Thomas Edison...

Yes, I took a cue from Thomas Edison...

First, about Edison. Then, you can decide if my idea, inspired by Edison's experience, can be applied to some facet of your business and be of benefit to you.

The following comes from a book called The 21 Laws of Influence by Helen Davis, C.L.U. It’s an illustration of what negotiating experts often advise:  "Let the OTHER party name a price first."

"Thomas Edison was approached by Western Union to buy his newly invented telegraph. Not certain of how much to charge for it, Edison asked for and received a few days to think about the purchase price. Edison discussed the offer with his wife, and although astounded by her suggestion to ask $20,000 for his invention, he agreed to do so.

Upon meeting with the Western Union representative, Edison was dumbstruck. When asked for his price he could not vocalize that he wanted $20,000 for his invention. Instead, he sat in silence. Exasperated, the Western Union official floated an offer of $100,000.

Edison took the offer."

I just love that story. :-)

Was Edison being guided by his intuition, by Universal Mind, when he couldn't speak? His conscious mind may have been astounded by the thought of $20,000 - it seemed like too much to him. But at another level of his being - $20,000 wasn't enough for the man who would change our world. Do you see what I mean about "synchronicity and guidance?" I cannot help but wonder how his wife reacted when he returned home :-)


Then one day a couple of years ago a former lesson student had contacted me and asked if I was still doing private mentoring. I told him I did on a selective basis and we spoke at length.  At the time, I was charging a certain minimum per month for private mentoring but the price never came up as we conversed. He had done quite well with my program - in fact, he revealed that he had made his first million within that previous two years. He was ready to go even further.

So near the end of our conversation, he finally asked how much he should send me per month. For some reason, without really giving it any thought, I spontaneously responded with, "Make me an offer."  He immediately floated an offer of two and a half times my usual price.

Marilyn took the offer :-)

I have used this technique ever since then for determining the price of my private mentoring. I believe that for group programs and audio products, there should be a level playing field and everyone should be charged the same. But for private one-on-one mentoring, I believe that someone starting out as an entrepreneur or growing their business should not be required to pay the same as someone who makes a six-figure income or is a millionaire. A personal mentoring relationship is just that - personal - and each student may be considered individually.  I believe that a student who gravitates to me for private mentoring is there by Universal appointment. They are meant to be my student  and they should be able to enter the situation free of financial concern or anxiety and yet my time and commitment should be honored. I have the option of negotiating if I feel the offer is too low. So I trust that we will arrive at a meeting of the minds for mutual benefit. I also take into account that the currency in some foreign countries has nowhere near the value of the US Dollar and I take the currency valuation into consideration when accepting a foreign student.

My policy of "Make me an offer" has withstood the test...

I have accepted reasonable offers for private mentoring in the area of hundreds of dollars as well as offers for thousands of dolllars.  You see, it evens out in the long run and the Universe ensures that I am adequately compensated for accommodating those who reach out to me and who are sincerely ready to grow their consciousness and their income.

If you are reading this and happen to be one of those who are ready, then I will just say..."Make me an offer."

~ Marilyn

P.S. My private mentoring includes weekly mentoring calls and additional support when needed, the Feel Free to Prosper lesson material, and the popular Feel Free to Prosper group audio programs (that are sold on the website) at no additional charge. Personal mentoring includes my prosperity teachings as well as business mentoring based on intuition and decades of experience as an accomplished business owner.

© Copyright 2003-2008 Marilyn Jenett, Feel Free to Prosper
All rights reserved

Private Reply to Marilyn Jenett

Apr 27, 2008 12:26 amre: Metaphysical Marketing: The Foundation...#

Marilyn Jenett

FFTP Members,

It took me awhile to realize that although I had been posting segments to this special topic for a couple of months now, I never included my two primary articles about Metaphysical Marketing. It would probably have seemed more appropriate to include them at the beginning as an introduction to this whole new way of thinking about our business endeavors. But if you have been around here for awhile, you may know that I'm completely "unstructured" and prefer to let ideas flow spontaneously. I'm metaphysical - what do you expect? :-)

But as I like to say, "The Universe is always on time." So I will trust that this is indeed the right time for me to share these two longstanding articles with you. If you have seen them in the past, then review and reinforce!

Metaphysical Marketing

Let's explore the use of prosperity principles in our business or profession and discuss the foundation and the underlying causes of success. All of the know-how and marketing skills in the world will not result in success unless you first create that foundation. You can start creating here.

Mental vs. Physical Activity in Marketing

Yes, indeed, marketing your business is an activity. But that does not mean that the activity is necessarily "physical."

Can one attract or magnetize circumstances without taking "action?"

This article will show that mental activity is thousands and thousands times more potent than physical activity. In fact, mental activity is a precursor to the right physical activity that gets results. However, physical activity is not necessarily required if you understand and apply mental activity. It is not magic. It is law. As I like to say, once you understand how the laws work, the "supernatural" becomes quite natural. You realize that the Universe is indeed magnetic and thought and feeling has more vibratory pull than any magnet you could imagine.

~ Marilyn

Private Reply to Marilyn Jenett

Apr 27, 2008 1:11 amMetaphysical Marketing: Yes, Metaphysical Marketing!#

Marilyn Jenett
Metaphysical Marketing Workshop

Metaphysical Marketing

The foundation of success is in your mind. You do not need to struggle, seek and strive to build your business. You can use mental and spiritual laws to create and attract all the elements that insure success. Wouldn't you love to set your business on "automatic pilot" and enjoy the ride?

The Law of Reversed Effort

The application of prosperity principles in business allows us to become aligned with these spiritual laws to learn how to "receive" success instead of "trying" to make it happen.

Did you know there is a law called the Law of Reversed Effort? It states that the harder you "try" to do something, the less chance you have of achieving it. Trying implies a negative, it suggests to the mind that you may not accomplish. Even Yoda in Star Wars recognized this truth when he wisely said, "We do. There is no try."

Practical Metaphysics

My teachings are based on what I call "practical metaphysics."

First, what do we mean by "metaphysical?" Well, "meta" as used as a prefix in metaphysical, means "comprehensive" or "transcending." Metaphysical is relating to the transcendent or to a reality beyond what is perceptible to the senses. In other words, a study of what is outside objective experience. This includes aspects of the mind and spirit.

My definition of practical metaphysics is the study and application of these transcendent principles from methods that appeal to our "real world" senses, techniques that we can understand and utilize with ease - in other words, a simple approach that assures our practical application of these profound laws. We take the mystery and speculation out of these principles and instead concentrate on putting them to use - a nuts and bolts approach.

I believe that there are a great number of people who have read and studied and are well informed about spiritual matters and metaphysical laws but who have not been able to take these ideas from their intellect and incorporate them mental and emotionally to put them into practice.

The Universe Is My Marketing Department

Now, this study in no way discounts the marketing techniques and tools taught by the visible world's marketing experts. What I am doing here is helping you lay the foundation for a mindset that will allow you to use those tools if you so choose, and succeed with them. The fact is that all of the marketing and business know-how in the world will not result in your success unless you first have the mindset to succeed. A house cannot stand without a proper foundation. And once you create that foundation, you will automatically be guided to the appropriate methods and means that will result in your success. You will find as I did that the Universe is truly the greatest marketing department you could ever hope for, and the possibilities are unlimited. You can experience the guidance of an unseen hand, know what it feels like to live a charmed life, and realize that you have an invisible means of support.

How do I know so much about succeeding through a metaphysical approach? On the Feel Free to Prosper website in the section entitled Your Mentor, you will see full-color accomplishments from my use of these laws - fruits of my metaphysical labors - and in the section, Amazing, you can review a few short stories of how I created some amazing successes using these principles in my business over a 20-year span.

If you really want the detailed scoop, you will find it in my memoir, Feel Free to Prosper: an Entrepreneurial Memoir of Synchronicity and Guidance, still free to read here (in its original version) on the network until a book release.  It's made Ryze history with over 13,000 views. I promise you will be inspired and will never look at your business - or your life - in the same way.

My business clients were the world's largest corporations. Here is a secret that you may find hard to believe: In those 20 years, I have never looked for a client. They always found me. This refers to my special event company that serviced the corporate arena. And now the same idea applies to the Feel Free to Prosper program that I created to teach others how to become aligned with Universal principles and accept their right to prosper.

When I began teaching my prosperity program just a couple of years ago, I had no idea how I would attract students or create a reputation. Once again, I took this to my Universal marketing department and trusted that the doors would open. I listened and waited for guidance. The doors opened. I was invited (by a stranger) to join an online networking site called Ryze.com where I created a network that soon became the platform and launching pad for my program that would attract students from around the globe. I found that by participating in other forums and sharing my knowledge, the words would flow and many of my posts eventually became material for published articles and additional lesson material. Please note that I had no previous experience on the Internet or interacting on forums. I had only learned to use a computer just prior to this time.

Nothing Personal

It doesn't matter if you are a company owner, business executive, entrepreneur, creative talent, network marketer, home based business, investor, employee, or in transition looking for your true place in life. The laws are impersonal and will work for everyone.

Here is why you should learn and apply prosperity principles:

(1) To uplift and raise your awareness to a level of consciousness that empowers and connects you to the Universal source from which ALL good flows.

(2) To apply this awareness specifically to the marketing and success of your business, skills and talents.

(3) To come to the absolute realization that you are not alone and that you have all the creative power of the Universe ready to inspire you and guide you to success if you will only recognize and acknowledge it.

(4) By becoming a part of the prosperity vibration, you will know exactly what to do. Your Universal marketing department will inspire you and prompt you to do exactly what you need to do.

Okay, Let's Have Some Nuts and Bolts

(1) Watch Your Speech

The above can be accomplished only through the use of positive and life-affirming language. Do not doubt it for a minute. The words you think, speak (and hear) are recorded in your subconscious mind and will produce circumstances that correspond to your thoughts and speech. If you want a successful business or career, you MUST resist the habit and temptation of speaking about the lack of business or clients or jobs. I tell my students, "If you don't want it, don't say it." Even if you feel like you are lying to yourself (or others), continue to speak in positive terms about your business and affairs. As you persist in speaking successful words, your subconscious will accept the new ideas and you will discover that the "lies" are becoming a new and very tangible reality. But it always first begins in mind. Never forget this.

(2) Start Listening

As you develop positive thought and speech patterns, you will begin to clear the debris and static in your subconscious that has prevented you from tuning in and listening to your intuitive promptings. Practice paying attention now to those promptings, the hunches, the feelings, the "still small voice" that subtly urges you to do something. As you practice listening and following through on these hunches and the more you discover that they lead to successful results, the more consistent and the stronger they will become. You will have truly discovered your "invisible means of support."

On my website, there are specific examples of how listening to my inner guidance brought successful results to my business. Again, in the section entitled Amazing, review “The Universe - My Marketing Department" and “The Universe - My Talent Agency."

(3) Attitude of Gratitude

You have heard that over and over again, haven't you? But do you live it? Well, start now. The "attitude of gratitude" is one of the greatest - perhaps THE greatest - spiritual principle that can be applied to attain happiness, inner peace, health and financial prosperity. But there is an aspect of gratitude that most people do not know about. It is easy to be grateful for what you already have. But can you be grateful for what you don't yet see?

Prior to the Thanksgiving holiday one year, I conducted a conference call on "Gratitude" in which I discussed how gratitude is the precursor to successful results and how you can acquire gratitude when there are appearances to the contrary. This is a powerful premise and the call was one of my most compelling. The Gratitude Call is available for purchase on the Feel Free to Prosper website.

Start giving thanks NOW for your new clients, your increased business and income, your new job, and inspired new ideas. I promise if you will maintain your state of gratitude, they will come, and often at a speed that will astound you. Give thanks now for the Universal guidance that led you this article that contains truly life-changing elements.

(4) Your Business or Job Is NOT Your Source of Income

I'll bet you’ll read that again. But that's right. Your business is not your source of income. Your clients are not your source of income. Your job is not your source of income. Even your savings or investments are not your source of income.

There is only one source of income. That source is The Source - that Universal intelligence that you may refer to as Universe, God, Infinite Intelligence, Divine Mind, Spirit, All That Is, The Field of All Possibilities. All of those other avenues are "channels" of income, but they are not the source. Think of it this way. If your kitchen faucet was broken and prevented you from getting water, would that mean there was no more water? Of course not. You could find water at in your bathroom or from any number of other faucets. So you see, the kitchen faucet is not the source of water; it is only one of innumerable channels.

As soon as you learn to align yourself with, rely on and trust The Source for your income (and clients and jobs and every other good thing you could possibly desire), then all of the channels will be opened for you to receive your good. How many channels? Limitless channels. There are thousands and thousands of channels through which your good can come to you. It is not your job to know them. It is your job to trust your Source and as you do, both expected and unexpected channels will open and clients and jobs and ideas will increasingly come to you "out of the blue." So release all ideas that your income and business must be derived from only one particular channel.

© Copyright 2003-2008 Marilyn Jenett, Feel Free to Prosper
All rights reserved

Contact Marilyn for reprint permission

Private Reply to Marilyn Jenett

Apr 27, 2008 1:13 amMetaphysical Marketing: Mental vs. Physical Activity in Marketing#

Marilyn Jenett
Metaphysical Marketing Workshop

Mental vs. Physical Activity in Marketing

This article addresses the issue about whether one can attract or magnetize circumstances without taking “action." Its intention is to create a better understanding in your mind about the use of mental and spiritual laws for success and the relationship between mental and physical action and work.

Let’s Get Mental

Yes, indeed, marketing your business is an activity. But that does not mean that the activity is necessarily “physical."

Mental activity is thousands and thousands times more potent than physical activity. In fact, mental activity is a precursor to the right physical activity that gets results. However, physical activity is not necessarily required if you understand and apply mental activity. It is not magic. It is law. As I like to say, once you understand how the laws work, the "supernatural" becomes quite natural. You realize that the Universe is indeed magnetic and thought and feeling has more vibratory pull than any magnet you could imagine.

So I think it behooves anyone who wants to be successful to become aware of the relationship of mental and physical activity and know when either is indicated. There is the right mental activity, which can in and of itself attract without the need for physical activity AND there is the right mental activity that inspires a corresponding right physical action/activity that produces results. If the right mental activity is not included, then one will end up like the majority of the population - doing and doing, acting and acting but not succeeding.

You are using these laws all of the time whether you realize it or not. Only you are most likely not using them for the purpose and intention that you desire consciously. How many things have you attracted into your life that you feel you did nothing to deserve and asked, "Why did this happen?"

You didn't "work" for those things. Yet they happened. Why? These results were the outcropping of the thoughts and impressions that were established in your mind subconsciously.

Now, the laws I am presenting to you do not indicate that you are to spend all of your time sitting around doing nothing. I won't even address that because it is just plain ridiculous. I believe I am articulate enough in my writing to get my meaning across - if you will read carefully.

However, the absolute truth is that yes, we can attract circumstances to us without physical action. I have lived my life accomplishing that way. When you understand fully that thoughts are things and all physical things are in motion and vibrating at the molecular level, you will understand that it is indeed a magnetic Universe and we can vibrate to our good and it can vibrate to us. I know that without knowledge in this area, it may appear fantastic, but that is why I attempt to speak in simple terms to create understanding and acceptance in your mind.

How Do I Know?

What is my experience? In 20 years as a business owner,  I never looked for a client (and my clients were the largest corporations in the world). I never advertised, never actively promoted. And yet I became renowned in my field and received all the exposure and publicity I could want - not as a result of anything I did physically, but as a result of the mental activity I learned to do. The physical part came after I received the clients and the opportunities - that's when I fulfilled the creative vision of the clients' projects. I attracted all of the ideas and elements necessary to do the perfect job. It was easy. It flowed. I finally learned that I didn't have to struggle or push or try or waste energy. The right answers truly came "out of the blue" for the most part. You can find some pretty amazing stories on my website and in my entrepreneurial memoir with details of my results from using these laws over the years.

But the actual marketing of my business - always receptive, never active, except when prompted from within to walk through the doors that opened as a result of the mental activity.

I attracted national, even global publicity, the same way. I had no resources or help in that area. I hardly knew what a press release was! Yet, you'll find several newspaper cover stories on my website, just a few of several hundred worldwide articles I attracted.  The articles began within six weeks of starting my business and continued for years. There were also numerous television and radio segments. You will just have to believe me when I tell you that I had no publicist and did no work to get any of that publicity. Physical work, that is. The work was done on a mental level.

 Cruise Control

So when you apply these laws, whether from a purely mental standpoint, or spiritual basis, you are guided to the actions that are necessary because the law has to produce what you have mentally accepted. You are no longer spinning your wheels - you are now on an automatic path to your results and to your success.

You establish, impregnate the thought and feeling of what you want in your deeper mind. You are intuitively guided to DO all of the things necessary for the result. You follow the leads. You do the outer work as you are guided to do. You also ATTRACT all of the things necessary for the result. The result may indeed come without physical outer action on your part or it may require action, but the action will be shown to you. You're in the flow.

There is a sense of connection to a source of wisdom that knows all the answers and you can tap into that source anytime you want. You will know when to be still and do the mental work and wait and when to take outer action and do the work that results in your success.

The alternative? You work and work and struggle and struggle and you don't get there.  And wonder why you don’t succeed.

So…to pooh pooh the idea of attracting and magnetizing your good, even "out of the blue," whether in your personal life or your business, just reveals a lack of awareness and a mind that is not open to the infinite possibilities that surround us. It indicates a mentality that is not up with the times or open and receptive to the great discoveries of our times that can further our success.

My point: You can close your mind and limit your ability to succeed. Or you can open your mind, expand your vision to include both the physical/active world and the mental/magnetic world and....be really successful!

© Copyright 2003-2008 Marilyn Jenett, Feel Free to Prosper
All rights reserved

Contact Marilyn for reprint permission

Private Reply to Marilyn Jenett

May 08, 2008 7:43 amMetaphysical Marketing: Recession or Progression?#

Marilyn Jenett

Today, someone posted on another Ryze network about the topic of "recession" and she suggested...

"Today let's talk about recession proofing our businesses and build our strategies to thrive even within difficult economic times."  

Then this woman and several others who replied quoted some famous authors and gurus, as well as offering their own opinions and suggestions.

Here is my reply...

I would like to add an easy and VERY powerful solution to this subject - a very important component of my Feel Free to Prosper teachings. Since other teachers have been quoted here, I felt it was acceptable and took the liberty of quoting myself :-).

I'm not here to boast. I'm here to impact you with the truth of your being. Each of us has wisdom and knowledge to offer. You and I don't have to be famous gurus to offer valuable advice and suggestions.  We need only to have had experience and learned from that experience to offer value.                        

The first and most powerful thing you can do to become victorious during such a time is....

Eliminate the word "recession" entirely from your vocabulary!

That's right. Stop saying it. Stop writing it. Stop feeding that message to your subconscious mind (which interprets the word as an "order"). Stop mimicking mass mind thinking and media conversation.

Who is the creative authority in your life? The mass mind? The media? Or the most powerful creative force in the Universe that responds to our words, thoughts and feelings? (Choose one)

From my Feel Free to Prosper teachings:

The Single Most Immediate Thing You Can Do – Right Now – to Increase Your Business and Cash Flow.  (Hint: It Has Nothing to Do With the Outside World)

Anyone want to take a guess?

And my answer is…


Change the words that you speak to reflect those spoken by a successful person...words that represent what you want in life. Eliminate any words or phrases from your vocabulary that represent the opposite of what you want.

And if you really want to increase your cash flow quickly, then speak and think as if you already have that cash flow.  Remember, the subconscious mind only functions in the “Now” and what you think, say and feel right now, in this moment, is what you will begin to attract. Remember that the dominant thought in our subconscious is what determines our circumstances. So we must shift our consciousness to a new dominant thought. The repetition of positive words will eventually replace negative patterns in the subconscious, which block your success and limit your income and your good.

So, if you don't want it, don't say it!


By changing your words, you will be well on your way to changing undesirable thought patterns and changing your life and finances.

Every word we speak, every thought we think, and every emotion we feel is recorded in the subconscious.  Through repetition or with enough faith or emotional impact the subconscious will accept our words as a command and will create, attract and magnetize circumstances, conditions and persons to ensure the manifestation of our command.

Even words spoken casually can bypass the conscious mind and drop into the subconscious and take root. “The subconscious mind cannot take a joke.”  Seemingly harmless expressions can produce undesirable results in our lives.
Something to think about: How many times today have you said aloud or to yourself, even casually, “I can’t afford…”


Stop referring to a "recession." Period. There is no recession in your world. There is only progression in your life and in your business.

One of my favorite quotes is, "One with God is a majority." Well, you are a progressive majority of one - with the great Mind of the Universe.

Did you read in my entrepreneurial memoir about what happened to me when our country was in the "R" word in the  early 90s? While everyone in my industry was discussing how terrible business was - I stuck my nose in my prosperity lessons and without any other effort, a door opened out of the blue that brought my company $250,000!!  You can read the details here...

Scroll down to my post of November 18, 2006:

 Part XXIV: The Universe – My Marketing Department

I hope that inspires you to keep speaking about your progression!


© Copyright 2003-2008 Marilyn Jenett, Feel Free to Prosper
All rights reserved

Contact Marilyn for reprint permission

Private Reply to Marilyn Jenett

May 23, 2008 9:12 amMetaphysical Marketing: Revisiting My Business Roots: aka Walking the Talk#

Marilyn Jenett
Metaphysical Marketing Workshop

Revisiting My Business Roots

aka Walking the Talk :-)

In the previous segment, I encouraged you to forget the "R" word and I keep your attention focused on progression instead of the mass mind and media rhetoric about the opposite.

Well, today I would like to offer a current personal manifestation as support for my views...

I gave up my last corporate client, Campbell Soup, almost two years ago after booking those over-the-top mansions, castles and island for their promotions for three years. It was time to devote myself exclusively to my prosperity program and products and release my former business of two decades.

But amidst all of the joy of teaching prosperity principles, I've been feeling antsy of late - actually missing my corporate business a teensy bit. You know, a business can be like giving birth to a baby that grows and matures and although you have to let it go one day, it still is a part of you. And a business that you have nurtured and grown - even fought to protect and sustain - is a very important part of the growth of your character too.

Well, I was thinking it would be nice to connect with a hardcore corporate client again - just for the heck of it - and return to my special event roots. Nothing too distracting or time consuming (in the events business, the lead time can be many months or longer) - just a nice easygoing situation for a little change of scenery. If anything really big or demanding comes along, I figured I could always farm that out and still make a profit. But I was thinking of something more like a gentle nudge of business - something quick and easy.


Just a few weeks ago...out of the blue...I got a phone call and email from a corporate client, Nike, Inc. They had meetings coming up just two weeks later here in Los Angeles!! The meeting manager wanted a non-traditional location like a private home for a reception and sit down dinner for about 20 guests...something very special as the highlight of their stay.

Carpe diem! That same day I spoke with the owner of the last home I booked for Campbell - a beautiful ocean view home in Malibu. I spoke with the owner, negotiated a price, then discovered that Nike's group was staying in Santa Monica which is very convenient to the home, called my caterer to get a budget, rushed to get photos of the home on my location website, and sent the email out to the client.

I booked the client. Effortlessly. Guidance and synchronicity rules!

You see, the owner told me that the home was supposed to be rented out that week, but right before I called, that rental was cancelled, thus making the home available to us. Also, Sally, the meeting manager and my contact at Nike had called several other private homes but none would allow them indoors in case of weather conditions and none were as beautiful as my offering.

I made Sally aware of my prosperity program and teachings, of my belief in synchronicity,  and told her I had manifested her event. Even she agreed that this was meant to be :-)

Check out this home for the affair - the weather was perfect and the dinner was poolside with a forever view of the ocean and Pacific coastline (we call it the "Queen's Necklace").

Here's the page we created for the client...(Susan McCool designed this gorgeous website and page):

Today I received a thank you letter from the client stating how thrilled they were with everything and that I can expect many other bookings from them.

I repeat...what "R" word? I do believe the Universe created this surge from my former business just to prove my point :-)

I will have photos of the event and post them soon...and you'll see why we can choose what we wish to manifest in our world, despite what the popular opinion is.

By the way, I haven't done this type of one-evening corporate dinner event for about five years, so it was not the usual thing since I have been focusing on Feel Free to Prosper. Did you know that Nike was the Greek goddess of victory?

So, how did I manifest this perfect situation at such lightening speed? Ah, unless you're VERY new around here...you already know my answer :-)  Further hints below...and may I add...

"Just Do It!"

Nike Swoosh


The Feel Free to Prosper Manifesters Audio Program

The audio version of the traditional Feel Free to Prosper one-month program
 that includes four weekly recorded teleclass sessions and Lessons One and Two.

©Copyright 2003-2008 Marilyn Jenett, Feel Free to Prosper
All rights reserved
Contact Marilyn for reprint permission

Private Reply to Marilyn Jenett

May 23, 2008 9:16 amMetaphysical Marketing: Positive or Negative Impact on Your Business?#

Marilyn Jenett
Metaphysical Marketing Workshop

Positive or Negative Impact on Your Business?

This segment of prosperity inspiration results from still another network discussion about what impact the economy is having on your business. Of course, most of the replies were aligned with mass mind and media thinking (no explanation needed here), but there were a few positive ones also. And then there's your resident prosperity mentor :-)

There are a few recommendations that I would like you to consider during this "economic" time...

1. Look at your business and your clients and pick out those things that you can be truly thankful for.

Focus on what's RIGHT about your business right now. Give thanks for those clients or customers that you DO have. Don't focus on those who are MIA - that may be temporary. And if not, start giving thanks for the NEW ones you are now attracting (even before you attract them).

Gratitude is a most powerful way of becoming victorious during changes that we feel we cannot control. I believe that we can control them when we answer to a higher authority (as they used to say in those Hebrew National hotdog commercials) :-)

2. Remember that what you praise and bless continues to grow and expand.

This works for anything in your life.

Do you know how I attracted Nike as a client a few weeks ago? I began to use an affirmation that I had used in the past for my special events business. Suddenly I decided to use that same affirmation because I was feeling some nostalgia for that business. Here is the affirmation I used:

"I love my business and my business loves me."

And voila! Within a week or two, a new major corporate client showed up out of the blue for a very quick profitable event. And guess what? They were also on a budget but at the last minute they decided to splurge on a first class special evening. And deep down I truly believe that my affirmation magnetized them right to my door (or to the door of that spectacular estate to which I had access).

I also believe that the Universe blesses me with these happenings to support my teachings so that I don't appear to have pollyanna notions

3. I have another favorite affirmation that I have posted before:

"I can't wait to see what good comes from this."

Now remember, it's not just the affirmation that has the impact. It's the feeling behind the words, so the more feeling we can bring to an affirmation, the more effective it will be.

With regard to business, here is what I discovered. When things are slow in one area, then we can use the attitude of "I can't wait to see what good comes from this" as an opportunity to be guided to another area of our business that can be even more productive or profitable than the one that is negatively affected.

I realized myself that when it slowed down in certain areas, it was time for me to go beyond what I was used to doing and expand into other areas to reach a wider and newer audience. As soon as I made that decision, opportunities appeared to fulfill that desire. That's because I loosened my "hold" on the habitual way of doing things and opened myself to the new. We are creatures of habit by nature (the subconscious mind does not want to change) so often it takes something to shake us up out of the rut.

So what I'm saying is that we can use what seems like an apparent negative to springboard us into new and different avenues to prosper in our business and our life.

We have absolutely nothing to lose by assuming the attitude that great possibilities await us, even when the rest of the nation/world is having a pity party.

4. Instead of constantly wondering how we can get more business, let's put our thoughts on what we can give at a time like this.

I don't mean give for free. I mean, "What service can I provide right now that people need and will gladly pay for." I'm sure that many of you are doing that already but I feel it's worth repeating.


You have permission to publish this article electronically or in print as long as the following text is included and the article appears in its entirety and unchanged.

©Copyright 2003-2008 Marilyn Jenett, Feel Free to Prosper
All rights reserved
Contact Marilyn for reprint permission

Private Reply to Marilyn Jenett

Aug 20, 2008 6:08 amMetaphysical Marketing: Missed Opportunity or Our Own Drummer?#

Marilyn Jenett
Metaphysical Marketing Workshop

Missed Opportunity or Our Own Drummer?

An independent web designer (and Ryze member) was personally referred for a job opening in a large national company headquartered near her city . She felt that she practically had the job wrapped up, but she needed to schedule a time to visit the recruiter and provide her resume.

Weeks went by and she didn’t do it and when it was too late, she experienced the anxiety of having missed a great opportunity and jumping on a “such a hot ticket.”

The pay was outstanding – more than she had ever made in her entire career. She stated that the job would allow her to gain greater skill and knowledge, she would have a stamp of approval from a well-known and established company, and it would skyrocket her credibility.
But then a few days later, it hit her. All of the things she had hated about being a past employee in the “corporate culture” and what it had done to her personality – it all came back to her. She visualized herself doing this new job and didn’t want to go down that path again. And she would have to juggle her personal client work at the same time.

So, she said she subconsciously must have realized all of these things when she didn’t jump on it sooner.

But she asked on the forum:

Have any of you experienced a missed opportunity like this? What were you thinking at the time? What did you do and what was the result? Do you regret your decision, and why?

I took great interest in her situation because I felt that many other growing entrepreneurs have probably experienced the same thing. And I thought this was a perfect opportunity to share my views on the subject…

My Response to Susan (not her real name)...


I believe you are wrong about one thing - the major thing:

This WASN'T a missed opportunity. At the deeper level of your spirit - your intuition - you knew you would not be happy in a structured situation again. You didn't analyze at that time - you didn't have to because I believe you were being intuitively guided. It helps to analyze it after the fact, but the "fact" is that this was not your perfect opportunity - big name, salary, resume - all that aside. Those are not required for our happiness.

I have had opportunities come to me in the past - and I didn't follow through because I knew in my heart of hearts I would not be happy - and I did not want to compromise.

Susan, being true to yourself is one of the greatest blessings one can have. And if you can be true to yourself at times when outer appearances suggest that you must be insane based on what seems "rational," then I think the blessing becomes far greater.

Now, if you can be true to yourself and yet develop the kind of faith to drive you to where you ARE truly happy in your work - that's beyond a blessing. That's nirvana.

I'd like to share a couple of things...

One of my early students wanted to manifest her ideal job and ideal salary. She did. So it seemed. Everything appeared to be perfect. It was the big corporate opportunity that she waited for, for a long time. But she was in pain. Her stomach hurt, she wanted to cry. Her physical body was telling her something. She said that "still small voice" of intuition was "screaming" at her. She asked me if it was right to turn something down that the Universe had brought her.

I gave her my thoughts about it, without telling her what to do. Here are my thoughts which I later incorporated into my lesson material:

13. Do I Accept Everything the Universe Brings?

You do not have to accept every opportunity that presents itself.  Follow your intuition and listen to your feelings and your body symptoms.  I believe that sometimes options arrive so that you know you have a choice or so that you can make a clearer choice about what you want and what you don’t want.  I also believe that the right decision always feels peaceful.

When we step out in faith to release the lesser, the greater will appear.

Also, sometimes you attract things that may be the effect from an earlier cause – perhaps before you were doing the prosperity work.  Just think…the work you are doing now to create new causes will result in new effects – the ones you really want."

[Excerpt from Lesson One, Feel Free to Prosper]

The result for this young woman? She turned down the "big opportunity" and three weeks later, out of the blue, she got a three-month contract job with Disney Studios for her writing skills. THAT was the perfect opportunity for her at that time.

The Unthinkable Thought

I would like to close this with an excerpt from my entrepreneurial memoir that I think you’ll enjoy…

"Here I was, a post menopausal woman at a major standstill or crossroads in my life and career, with a vast knowledge of mental and spiritual laws and nowhere to go. Now THAT’s a combination.

Ooooh…and then there was THE thought. I will make a confession to you now that may shock you. I will admit that the direst of thoughts entered my mind at this crossroads. The ultimate thought – the unthinkable thought. The thought that you would never expect someone with my experience, faith and conviction to entertain for a moment. The thought that could throw any full-blooded entrepreneur into a tailspin and bring them to their knees. The thought did indeed bring me to my spiritual knees.

The thought? I actually considered for a moment or two or three that I should look for a J.O.B. Yes, that’s the direst thought. No, it wasn't that other direst thought. Haven’t you heard of the "entrepreneur’s creed?" It was drafted by Patrick Henry in 1775…

I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!

~ Patrick Henry

Okay, I know he wasn’t referring to entrepreneurship, but it’s still the same idea to those of us who listen to our own drummer. So maybe Thoreau was a bit closer to the truth."

"If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer.
Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured or far away."

~ Henry David Thoreau

    Part XXXXIV: A Different Drummer - Chapter 42 for the book
    Feel Free to Prosper: An Entrepreneurial Memoir of Synchronicity and Guidance

~ Marilyn

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All rights reserved
Contact Marilyn for reprint permission

Private Reply to Marilyn Jenett

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