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The Meaning (and Not) of Christmas to Me - Part OneViews: 1546
Dec 13, 2008 12:26 pmThe Meaning (and Not) of Christmas to Me - Part One#

Marilyn Jenett
Feel Free to Prosper Introduction - Marilyn Jenett, world renowned prosperity teacher

The Feel Free to Prosper Program


The Meaning (and Not) of Christmas to Me

Dear FFTP Members,
In my opinion, aside from the obvious festivities, there are many worthwhile goals that can be experienced during the holiday season. It can be a time for healing and closure, and ultimately a time to prepare for the "birth" of new ideas and new manifestations.
We can...
  • Seek greater spiritual understanding of Christmas
  • Discover how Christmas can grow our consciousness
  • Be lifted beyond the commercial aspect or remain true to higher values while dealing with the financial aspects
  • Remain centered and peaceful during the holidays
  • Overcome a feeling of sadness that affects many at this time of year
  • Have or find a place to gather and share with like-minded people if we don't have families
  • Receive some joy if we need it or give some joy if we have it to share
    As my contribution toward that end, I would like to share some of my free flowing thoughts about the holidays...
    I don't get involved with the holidays from a commercial or consumerism standpoint. Personally, I would rather give gifts and greetings at any time during the year and not because of ritual or a feeling of obligation. I'm not a scrooge, mind you. It's just that I believe that all of the wonderful feelings of peace, joy, love, goodwill - well, shouldn't these ideas be cultivated at all times? Isn't that a worthy goal for any time of year?
    One year, a forum member whom I had known from posts over time suddenly decided to offer his help to me in a technical area of the Internet. Why? He said it was because the holiday season brought this out in him. I did appreciate his offer, but I don't grasp why the "season" has to be the prompt for our goodwill gestures.

    Christ Consciousness
    I do understand and respect the religious connotation of Christmas, but I prefer to concentrate on the spiritual aspect - developing the birth of a Christ Consciousness - a universal consciousness of love that encompasses all faiths and all humanity. I respect any religious path as long as it remains true to what I always believed was the common denominator of all great religions - the love of our Creator and love for our fellow man - unconditionally. I found a new thought definition of Christ Consciousness as "The spiritual and mystical experience of the unity of all the universe. To attain cosmic consciousness is to see the universe as God and God as the universe, and everything as part of this whole."
    Christ Consciousness also includes the deepest understanding of spiritual and Universal law. The word Christ comes from the Latin "Chrîstus", and from the Greek "Khrîstos", which means "anointed," to choose by or as if by divine intervention. I believe that our understanding of spiritual law is our connection to the Divine.
    Now some of you might find my chosen path and reference to Christ Consciousness and certain scriptures interesting, since I was born and raised Jewish as a young girl.

    Winter Solstice
    The Winter Solstice, also known as Midwinter, occurs this year on December 21 in the Northern hemisphere and marks the beginning of a hemisphere's astronomical winter. Interpretation of this event varies from culture to culture, but it is commonly recognized as a time of rebirth involving festivals, gatherings, rituals or other celebrations. Many cultures celebrate a holiday near the winter solstice; examples of these include Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, New Years, Pongal, Yalda and many other festivals of light.

    Hannukah Menorah

    Have you ever wondered why Christmas and the birth of Jesus falls on December 25th? In Part Two of this holiday message, I will share with you the most "astronomical" and "heavenly" interpretation of this most famous of births. When I first read about this decades ago in the writings of one of the most brilliant teachers of manifestation laws, I was stunned. This year, I will share it for the first time. Stay tuned for Part Two.

    Giving, Joy and Mass Mind Thinking
    It appears to me that the commercial aspect of the holiday has overshadowed its true meaning and leaves much of the population stressed, overtaxed and overextended financially. I opt for finding my center of peace and staying right there.
    I think the holiday rituals are more conducive to large families and especially children and this is a wonderful opportunity to bring families together - IF we are instilling the right ideas into our children's minds and teaching them true values instead of letting the commercialism mold their characters.
    On a forum, someone asked:
    "What if every day was joyous, like this holiday season?"
    Why not? It's a decision.
    Outer circumstances should not affect our happiness and well-being (and joy). It all comes from within. We really can feel joyous at any time or the opposite at any time. It's really a choice.
    I also believe that there are many people who do not experience joy during the holiday season. They are filled with tension and stress - and I do not believe it's necessary. But most people are like lemmings and they follow the crowd instead of listening to their own guidance. Statistics have shown that many people are very unhappy at the holidays.
    The kingdom of heaven is within.
    And EVERY day is a gift.
    If people wouldn't get caught up in the commercialism and instead gave of themselves - perhaps make gifts (which can be very meaningful), or buy according to their ability to buy and not spend money they don't have, or not create debt or spend beyond their means to incur debt, wouldn't you think they could create more joy while everyone else is lamenting after it's all over? Bring the real meaning of the holidays back instead of getting caught up in the mass mind thinking and consumerism. We need to stop listening to the media and instead listen to ourselves - our inner voice that knows the truth. People are hypnotized by the media and mass mind thinking.
    How about the thought of being debt free in January? Now there's an answer to some joy. :-)
    Years ago, I used to buy expensive gifts for my corporate clients. Then I decided to take a certain amount of money and donate it to a charity. I would send my clients cards and tell them I have donated on behalf of them. You would be surprised at how well received that gesture was.
    Another idea...If you are on a budget and you are going to give gifts, then why not buy them during the year when the sales are on. Be a practical and wise shopper and when the holidays roll around, you are all set. Smart, relaxed, debt free and generous. :-)

    Spiritual Celebration
    Christmas and New Year's is a special time of year for me, but in less common ways...
    It is a time for reflection and renewal. I love to use this holiday time to organize, declutter, streamline my possessions and my environment and release unnecessary elements to prepare for the "birth" of new ideas and new manifestations.
    The spiritual celebration of this holiday for me is based on the teachings of one of the greatest teachers of all time - the healer, the mystic, the metaphysician who gave us a philosophy of living based on true spiritual law (which must be interpreted correctly but most often is not) and the key to all manifestation:
    "And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive."

    That is the greatest gift we could ever receive.
    The greatest gift I believe I could ever give to you - to anyone - is to help you understand this law and the ability to use it in your life.
    I hope you will accept this gift from me year round in lieu of the fanfare and ritual during the holiday season. I do however, offer my warmest blessings to you and your loved ones during this season and truly hope you will find your own center of peace - the "peace that passeth all understanding" - and stay there.

    ~ Marilyn

    Marilyn and Star of David

    Young Marilyn wearing Star of David

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    Marilyn Jenett, an accomplished business owner in the corporate arena, founded the Feel Free to Prosper program to mentor and teach others to become aligned with Universal laws and accept their right to prosper. For more information, visit



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