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Lesson One Teleclass on Monday, August 10th (Only 10 Students Will Be Accepted)Views: 600
Aug 05, 2009 2:55 am Lesson One Teleclass on Monday, August 10th (Only 10 Students Will Be Accepted)

Marilyn Jenett

FFTP Network Members,

On Monday, August 10th, at 5pm Pacific Time, I am going to conduct a Feel Free to Prosper Teleclass Based on Lesson One. This is the first time I have conducted this teleclass since 2006. That 2006 class was made into an audio program that sells on my website. However, this August 10th class will be live on the telephone with only 10 students. I am limiting the class to 10 so that each student will have plenty of time to interact with me and have their issues addressed.

As soon as you register for the class, you will receive Lesson One. I want you to have time to absorb the lesson material before our class session. So that means you should make your decision and sign up right away. This will secure your space in this class. Only the first 10 respondents will be accepted.

The fee for this class will be the same as the audio program - $197. I know that live classes are usually more than audios, but my intuition is telling me to charge the same price and give you the additional value of being live with me and your fellow students. As usual, all of my programs are guaranteed - there is no financial risk on your part.

Instructions for registration are below.

The most valuable component of my presentations is my students' results - the unsolicited testimonials that I am given permission to publish.

Last month, Troy White interviewed me on a free call. I've known him for some time and I love his gentle approach to hosting a call - all content, no selling. Here is a note I received a few days ago from one of the participants who bought my audio program after the call. He gave me permission to use this as a testimonial...

Received 7-31-09

Hi Marilyn

I purchased your complete two-month How to prosper programme in July and I'm currently on Lesson One. I have been using your simple ideas for a few minutes each day for about three weeks and I've had some good results already.

I had one business owner phone me after seeing an email from an IT client I was doing a joint venture with. Within a couple of days he had given me $5,000 and an agreement to give me 50% of all new profits for the next 12 months that I help him to create with my marketing ideas. I've had someone email me from Ireland wanting to partner with me in some way. And a number of other very interesting experiences 'out of the blue' as it were.

I have also had confirmation this week on my first marketing project with the second largest bank in the country and this went extremely well from the first contact to the confirmation of this project a few days ago. I expect this bank will turn into one of my biggest clients over the next few months.

Probably the most valuable thing I have got from your programme so far is the importance of focussing on easy results and not struggling hard. I have been reminded that my most successful sales and marketing results over the last 32 years have always been easy and fun to do. And when I 'struggled' and 'tried hard' my results were never as good. I had forgotten this lesson until I started your programme.

And that's the message I now give to all my clients. Focus on fun and easy ways to achieve your results. Look for big results with a small amount of energy. And I use that message on all my emails and in my website as well.

I look forward to starting on lesson two shortly. It felt right to stay with lesson one for a few weeks until I felt that my subconscious mind was starting to accept these new prosperity ideas.

I expect to give you even more success stories and positive results shortly.

Kind Regards

Graham McGregor
New Zealand

Here is how to register for the August 10th teleclass and to immediately receive your Lesson One material to begin prospering:

Below is the registration and payment page that is used for my Private Mentoring Students. Please use this page to fill in your registration information and then click to make payment. At PayPal, please fill in the amount of $197.

If you want more details about the Lesson One program, you can review the sales page for the audio version here. But do not sign up on this sales page if you want to attend my live teleclass. Use the link above to register. http://www.feelfreetoprosper.com/newyearteleclass.html

~ Marilyn


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