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Feel Free to Prosper for Business: Metaphysical Marketing (Here on the Network)Views: 486
May 23, 2008 9:16 am Metaphysical Marketing: Positive or Negative Impact on Your Business?

Marilyn Jenett
Metaphysical Marketing Workshop

Positive or Negative Impact on Your Business?

This segment of prosperity inspiration results from still another network discussion about what impact the economy is having on your business. Of course, most of the replies were aligned with mass mind and media thinking (no explanation needed here), but there were a few positive ones also. And then there's your resident prosperity mentor :-)

There are a few recommendations that I would like you to consider during this "economic" time...

1. Look at your business and your clients and pick out those things that you can be truly thankful for.

Focus on what's RIGHT about your business right now. Give thanks for those clients or customers that you DO have. Don't focus on those who are MIA - that may be temporary. And if not, start giving thanks for the NEW ones you are now attracting (even before you attract them).

Gratitude is a most powerful way of becoming victorious during changes that we feel we cannot control. I believe that we can control them when we answer to a higher authority (as they used to say in those Hebrew National hotdog commercials) :-)

2. Remember that what you praise and bless continues to grow and expand.

This works for anything in your life.

Do you know how I attracted Nike as a client a few weeks ago? I began to use an affirmation that I had used in the past for my special events business. Suddenly I decided to use that same affirmation because I was feeling some nostalgia for that business. Here is the affirmation I used:

"I love my business and my business loves me."

And voila! Within a week or two, a new major corporate client showed up out of the blue for a very quick profitable event. And guess what? They were also on a budget but at the last minute they decided to splurge on a first class special evening. And deep down I truly believe that my affirmation magnetized them right to my door (or to the door of that spectacular estate to which I had access).

I also believe that the Universe blesses me with these happenings to support my teachings so that I don't appear to have pollyanna notions

3. I have another favorite affirmation that I have posted before:

"I can't wait to see what good comes from this."

Now remember, it's not just the affirmation that has the impact. It's the feeling behind the words, so the more feeling we can bring to an affirmation, the more effective it will be.

With regard to business, here is what I discovered. When things are slow in one area, then we can use the attitude of "I can't wait to see what good comes from this" as an opportunity to be guided to another area of our business that can be even more productive or profitable than the one that is negatively affected.

I realized myself that when it slowed down in certain areas, it was time for me to go beyond what I was used to doing and expand into other areas to reach a wider and newer audience. As soon as I made that decision, opportunities appeared to fulfill that desire. That's because I loosened my "hold" on the habitual way of doing things and opened myself to the new. We are creatures of habit by nature (the subconscious mind does not want to change) so often it takes something to shake us up out of the rut.

So what I'm saying is that we can use what seems like an apparent negative to springboard us into new and different avenues to prosper in our business and our life.

We have absolutely nothing to lose by assuming the attitude that great possibilities await us, even when the rest of the nation/world is having a pity party.

4. Instead of constantly wondering how we can get more business, let's put our thoughts on what we can give at a time like this.

I don't mean give for free. I mean, "What service can I provide right now that people need and will gladly pay for." I'm sure that many of you are doing that already but I feel it's worth repeating.


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