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Feel Free to Prosper for Business: Metaphysical Marketing (Here on the Network)Views: 516
Mar 13, 2008 7:20 am Metaphysical Marketing: Can We Really Have the "Universe on Speed Dial?"

Marilyn Jenett
Metaphysical Marketing Workshop

Can We Really Have the "Universe on Speed Dial?"

Susan Wrote...

As an introduction to this topic, here are a few excerpts from a message Susan posted on the Feel Free to Prosper Network...you can read her entire post with the details at the link provided...

"Who needs the Universe on Speed Dial when you have Marilyn?

"Marilyn always says that her program is like having the Universe on Speed Dial. I agree. But I found that having Marilyn on my speed dial (which she actually is - a bonus for being one of her very select few private students) is a VERY powerful thing!

"She didn't even listen to the second message...I only needed to call Marilyn and everything worked itself out.

"Marilyn explained to me that I didn't even need to speak to her. Speaking to her voice mail allowed our spirits to connect and help bring me back to the spiritual plane for guidance. And I certainly got it within MINUTES!

Read what happened to Susan here:

The Wizard of Odds?

Now, to the subject...a very interesting one...

Perhaps I shouldn't take all the credit for these seemingly "supernatural" occurrences - then again, I do believe I deserve more credit than the Wizard of Oz. :-)  All joking aside, I always say that the "supernatural" is really quite natural.

It seems that Susan recognized this connection of Spirit at a different level than previously noted on the network. I will get back to Susan's experience after I give a bit of background on this subject for everyone.

Many times in the past, students or potential students who have spoken to me have noticed that immediately after we connected, they would have a prosperity manifestation - sometimes even before they received the lesson material. Here is one example I pulled from the network archives:

I have explained this in the past and I will again...

In my opinion, there are two reasons that an immediate connection with a prosperity mentor or teacher can produce instant results:

The First Reason

One of my great teachers was Champion K. Teutsch, PhD, an extraordinary man who was not only renowned in the US for his groundbreaking work relating to mental and spiritual laws and consciousness, but he was honored in many other countries. You can go to this thread on my network and scroll down to read my tribute to him and his wife after he made his transition in 2005:

He was truly one-of-a-kind in this field and I was so fortunate that the Universe brought me to him.

Often when I went to Champion's office, he would state that as soon as I came in contact with him, I would tune into and pick up his consciousness. I would laugh about it in front of him. But then I would return to my office and some major piece of business would arrive out of the blue!

I was delighted by this but never really thought about it over the years until I started teaching Feel Free to Prosper and the same thing would happen with my students or soon-to-be students. Champion was again proven right, just as he had been proven right about many things in the medical and scientific communities.

We are all greatly affected and impacted by the consciousness of those around us. We have all felt the influence of certain people who lifted us up or made us feel happy or joyous and we have sadly experienced the opposite effect of some people.

So it's not surprising to find that when we meet someone who has a firm faith and conviction in prosperity consciousness, we can be influenced by that strong faith, vibration or "frequency", however you perceive it.

The Second Reason... and  Susan's Wings

Now the other reason this happens is actually quite obvious and easy to understand once it's explained:

When a potential student resonates to me and we connect, they acquire new inspiration and hope - the possibility that they have found the answer and solution for their life situations. And what happens then? Their subconscious mind immediately opens up with faith and expectation - and faith can move mountains. Remember the Biblical phrase about "faith as a grain of mustard seed?"

Even the tiniest bit of faith, when "sown," can open up our consciousness to grand manifestations.

We know that someone can be given a placebo instead of a medication and get immediately results. What is that about? Faith.

Now with regard to a situation like Susan's, she had been a student of mine for months and had seen pretty remarkable results. So I'd say that her faith level was up there on the scale. And yet some of her old worn out patterns have reared their head on occasion when something would trigger it. So she got caught off guard. But her subconscious mind wants to guide her and bring her back to her prosperity state. Her instinct was to reach out to me because I am her mentor and it has worked for her in the past.

She will find resolution when I speak to her, but in reality, here is what I believe was happening with her at the time of that incident...

I tell my students often that my definition of a mentor is someone who teaches their mentees to tap their own resources so that they don't need to depend on the mentor. The mentor teaches the eaglet to fly on its own.

However, during that process, the student can lean on me and allow me to be the "bridge" to get there. They can use my faith in the laws until they have increased their own faith level.

Susan was reaching out to Spirit for guidance and help. I represent her connection to Spirit - her bridge. But in that instant of reaching out to Spirit, Spirit answered her. The longer walk across the bridge was no longer necessary.

Spirit wanted to reveal itself to her, and did a perfect job of doing so - even before she could reach me personally on the telephone.

So I think the eaglet was growing her wings and learning to fly on her own. Or we can say, she was discovering for herself what it's like to have the Universe on Speed Dial. :-)

She will then become a bridge for others in her life.

I'm honored to have been the one chosen to teach her.  I hope this message will help you understand the value of finding the right teacher or mentor to speed you to the consciousness and results that you desire.

~ Marilyn

P.S. The Wizard of Odds is available to discuss your mentoring needs.

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