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Feb 24, 2008 10:48 am Metaphysical Marketing: Always Assume the Door is Open

Marilyn Jenett
Metaphysical Marketing Workshop

Always Assume the Door is Open

One of the most important lessons I teach my prosperity students is to NEVER assume a door is closed based on outer appearances. Stated in the positive, ALWAYS assume the door is open.

Just recently, one of my private students had a wonderful example of this. Barbara was an attorney but instead of continuing to practice law, she chose to work in attorney placement (recruiting).

She had a perfect candidate for a certain type of law firm and everything seemed to be completely synchronistic until the day she called to set up the appointment for her candidate's interview. When she called, the firm informed her that they had decided to use another recruiting firm. 

I explained to her that she must never assume that the door is closed - that anything can happen and she should not be "hypnotized" by appearances. Always leave the door open in your consciousness. Don't assume a result is final.

Well, only a week went by and the firm called her to tell her that the other recruiting firm didn't work out after all, so they were still looking and needed her services. She called her candidate to make sure he was still available, and found out that he was. But again, when she called to arrange the interview, the firm thanked her but told her they had just hired an attorney to fill the position. She congratulated the client (at the firm) and told him to feel free to call her in the future if they needed her help.

She was disappointed but I reminded her again to always assume that the door is open. She bounced back.

A few days went by, and the client called her again. Apparently the attorney they hired did not accept the position after all.

By this time, she had come up with TWO perfect candidates for the firm and after all that had transpired, the preferred scenario would be a matter of the firm deciding which one to hire.
I was delighted when Barbara told me that she had consummated the placement for that firm. Delighted, but not surprised. :-)
So you see, we must never consider an opportunity "lost" or gone. Based on our faith in the divine order of things, the Universe will create all manner of adjustments to bring to us what is rightfully ours. And often there must be adjustments in circumstances and timing to allow all of the right elements to come together in a situation.

The secret is to relax and trust.

It can make a profound difference in your ability to manifest.

Always Assume the Door is Open (Part 2)

Someone responded as follows when I posted the message above on a network forum...

"I read your post. It was enlightening. For me, however, I believe when one door closes that means God is preparing to open up something greater. Sometimes doors need to be closed so we don't enter into a "mess" that can be difficult to get out of."

This woman went on to explain how one closed door resulted in another door opening with greater opportunity for her. I was glad she brought this up and felt her comments were important enough to expand my original message for greater understanding...

There is a subtle nuance here, as follows...

I said to "assume the door is open." I didn't mean to visualize, force, attempt to alter or mistrust the course of divine guidance.

It is important to become attuned to the "synchronicity and guidance" that flows in our life for our highest good.

However, there is no force involved in assuming that ALL doors are open for your highest good and success. So if we just assume the door is open, we are not accepting negative outcomes that unnecessarily prevent our "highest good" from coming to us, from that specific situation or any other. We are not imposing limited conditioned thinking on the outcome.

I like the way Dr. Joseph Murphy expressed it: he called it "divine indifference." That means it's okay if it happens and it's okay if it doesn't. This has also been referred to in modern times as "detachment" from the outcome and "allowing."

So in assuming that the door is open - you put no limitations on the outcome. If it happens, wonderful. If it doesn't, you just know it's for your highest good and not because you limited your thinking or caused it to close from your negative judgments. If the door is closed in final...as this woman described, it will play itself out and you will know why. If you read my entrepreneurial memoir, you will see how many really striking examples of success there were of doors that would have remained permanently closed had I not turned my thinking around.

I don't consider this second-guessing God, I consider it refining our consciousness to be able to accept more of what God wants for us. And for every door that closes in final, in my experience there are far more doors that can re-open with a little adjustment in our thinking.

So, you still have everything to gain and nothing to lose from assuming that the door is open. You are in fact putting your trust in the divine instead of your own preconceived imaginings.

But you have everything to lose if you push the door closed while it may just be ajar.

Does that clarify?

Are you aware that there is a door open before you right now?

You have the opportunity to learn the most powerful prosperity principles available in a single class. Walk through the door to your Prosperity Consciousness with the Feel Free to Prosper Program based on Lesson One. http://feelfreetoprosper.com/newyearaudio.html

~ Marilyn


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