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How Did Marilyn Start Her Business? A True Tale of Synchronicity and GuidanceViews: 1890
Nov 20, 2007 5:18 pm re: re: re: How Did Marilyn Start Her Business? A True Tale of Synchronicity and Guidance

Arlene Holtz
Hi, Marilyn, and everyone else who is still reading and posting on this thread. I am new to this network, and have just started with Marilyn's Lesson 1 of her program. I just finished reading your story, Marilyn, and I wish I had come across it sooner. However, everything does happen in the perfect timing. Perhaps I wouldn't have been ready to receive all the lessons I have just absorbed if I had started reading months earlier. :-)

I knew I wanted to post something here, though I didn't know what it would be, so I am just letting it flow now. I admit I have been skeptical about "prosperity programs" due to the deluge I have received of marketing promotions in the past year, all claiming to have "THE ANSWER" to becoming wealthy, successful, and happy. I have been studying metaphysics, success and personal growth principles, etc. for years now, and though I have succeeded in many areas of my life, the financial and "prosperity" issues had continued to be a ... shall we say... a learning experience!

Marilyn, I want to thank you for your directness in replying to my plea (on another network) for a way to manifest a sum of money for a coaching program I wanted to participate in. I was a little taken aback in how direct you were, though my research of your website and the many glowing testimonials from your students certainly impressed me.

On a hunch, I sent you a pm, you replied and followed up with a phone call! Wow! I didn't expect that, and I am even more astounded now, after reading your story here, that you took the time to seek me out, not knowing anything at all about me.

I have started the first lesson and though I am only on day 4, I already have a lighter feeling about success and my future. I am so much more relaxed and confident in the process of reaching my prosperity, that I so much deserve.

I have had a couple of incidents that I feel are significant that I want to share at another time. For now, I just wanted to thank you, Marilyn, for contacting me, and to let you know that I also feel that somehow this was "meant to be" for me, and also to thank you for sharing this story with so many people. I am looking forward to posting again with some specific experiences I have had in the past few days that seem to be "signs" that something is definitely changing in my consciousness.

Again, thank you, thank you, thank you.

Arlene Holtz
Fused Glass and Oil Painting site: http://www.ArlenesArtworks.com
Aromatherapy site: http://www.NaturesAromatherapyEssentials.com


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